Motivational Quotes app for daily inspiration and helps us to keep our motivation straight through tons of positive quotes.
Features :
- Simple UI design
- Firebase storage
- Firebase Firestore database
- Firebase cloud functions
- Firebase Crashalytics
- Upload Quotes as images
- Automatically send a push notification when a new quote is uploaded
- Download quotes
- Share quotes
- Cache images
- Pagination and sort
Screenshots :
Packages Used :
- provider
- firebase_core
- firebase_storage
- cloud_firestore
- firebase_messaging
- firebase_crashlytics
- image_picker
- fluttertoast
- esys_flutter_share
- lazy_load_scrollview
- path_provide
- dio
- splashscreen
- cached_network_image
- data_connection_checker
- image_gallery_saver
- permission_handler
- launch_review
- share
- url_launcher
Note : Create your own firebase project and add google-services.json file to the app directory to connect the app.