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rewrote database access to use persistent and mysql, this library sho…
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…uld be relatively simple to use if i want to switch backend again
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Mast3rwaf1z committed Oct 8, 2024
1 parent 2f7fb71 commit d9ceaed
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Showing 15 changed files with 290 additions and 232 deletions.
56 changes: 27 additions & 29 deletions app/Api/Api.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
module Api.Api where

import Helpers.Tables (GuestbookEntry(GuestbookEntry, EmptyGuestbook), LeaderboardEntry (EmptyLeaderboard, LeaderboardEntry), Credentials (EmptyCredentials, Credentials))
import Helpers.Database (getVisits, uuidExists, insert, getGuestbook, getConn)
import qualified Helpers.Tables as T (GuestbookEntry (GuestbookEntry, EmptyGuestbook), LeaderboardEntry (EmptyLeaderboard, LeaderboardEntry), Credentials (EmptyCredentials, Credentials))
import Helpers.Database.Database (getVisits, uuidExists, getGuestbook, runDb)
import Helpers.Utils (unpackBS, getDefault)

import IHP.HSX.QQ (hsx)
Expand All @@ -19,49 +19,47 @@ import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (Status, status404, status200, status400)

import Data.Aeson (encode, decode, Value (String))
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (fromStrict, toStrict)
import Database.SQLite.Simple (query, Only (Only))
import Data.Password.Bcrypt (PasswordCheck(PasswordCheckSuccess, PasswordCheckFail), mkPassword, checkPassword, PasswordHash (PasswordHash))
import Data.Text (pack, unpack)
import Crypto.Random (getRandomBytes)
import Data.Text.Array (Array(ByteArray))
import Text.StringRandom (stringRandomIO)
import Helpers.Logger (info)
import Helpers.Database.Schema (GuestbookEntry(guestbookEntryGuestbookTimestamp, guestbookEntryGuestbookName, guestbookEntryGuestbookParentId, guestbookEntryGuestbookContent, GuestbookEntry, guestbookEntryGuestbookId), Snake (Snake), User (User, userUserPassword), Token (Token, tokenTokenToken), Visit (Visit))
import Database.Persist (selectList, Entity (Entity), insertEntity)

handleGuestbookEntry :: GuestbookEntry -> IO (Status, String)
handleGuestbookEntry (GuestbookEntry "" _ _) = return (status400, "Error, name cannot be empty")
handleGuestbookEntry (GuestbookEntry _ "" _) = return (status400, "Error, content cannot be empty")
handleGuestbookEntry (GuestbookEntry name content parentId) = do
handleGuestbookEntry :: T.GuestbookEntry -> IO (Status, String)
handleGuestbookEntry (T.GuestbookEntry "" _ _) = return (status400, "Error, name cannot be empty")
handleGuestbookEntry (T.GuestbookEntry _ "" _) = return (status400, "Error, content cannot be empty")
handleGuestbookEntry (T.GuestbookEntry name content parentId) = do
time <- fmap round getPOSIXTime :: IO Int
insert "INSERT INTO guestbook (name, timestamp, content, parentId) values (?, ?, ?, ?)" (name :: String, time :: Int, content :: String, parentId :: Int)
runDb $ insertEntity $ GuestbookEntry 0 time name content parentId
return (status200, "Success")
handleGuestbookEntry EmptyGuestbook = do
return (status400, "Error")

handleLeaderboardEntry :: LeaderboardEntry -> IO (Status, String)
handleLeaderboardEntry (LeaderboardEntry name score speed fruits) = do
handleLeaderboardEntry :: T.LeaderboardEntry -> IO (Status, String)
handleLeaderboardEntry (T.LeaderboardEntry name score speed fruits) = do
time <- fmap round getPOSIXTime :: IO Int
insert "INSERT INTO snake (name, timestamp, score, speed, fruits) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" (name :: String, time :: Int, score :: Int, speed :: Int, fruits :: Int)
runDb $ insertEntity $ Snake 0 time name score speed fruits
return (status200, "Success")
handleLeaderboardEntry EmptyLeaderboard = return (status400, "Error")
handleLeaderboardEntry T.EmptyLeaderboard = return (status400, "Error")

handleLogin :: Credentials -> IO (Status, String)
handleLogin (Credentials username password) = do
handleLogin :: T.Credentials -> IO (Status, String)
handleLogin (T.Credentials username password) = do
let pass = mkPassword $ pack password
conn <- getConn
xs <- query conn "SELECT password FROM users WHERE username = ?" (Only username)
case xs of
[Only hash] -> case checkPassword pass (PasswordHash $ pack hash) of
rows <- map (\(Entity _ e) -> e) <$> (runDb $ selectList [] [] :: IO [Entity User])
case rows of
[user] -> case checkPassword pass (PasswordHash $ pack (userUserPassword user)) of
PasswordCheckSuccess -> do
xs <- query conn "SELECT token FROM valid_tokens where username = ?" (Only username) :: IO [Only String]
if null xs then do
rows <- map (\(Entity _ e) -> e) <$> (runDb $ selectList [] [] :: IO [Entity Token])
if null rows then do
token <- stringRandomIO "[0-9a-zA-Z]{4}-[0-9a-ZA-Z]{10}-[0-9a-zA-Z]{15}"
insert "INSERT INTO valid_tokens (token, username) values (?, ?)" (unpack token :: String, username :: String)
runDb $ insertEntity $ Token 0 (unpack token) username
return (status200, unpack token)
else do
let (Only x) = head xs
return (status200, x)
let row = head rows
return (status200, tokenTokenToken row)
PasswordCheckFail -> return (status400, "Wrong username or password")
_ -> return (status400, "Error, no user exists")
Expand All @@ -74,7 +72,7 @@ api ["visits", "new"] request = do
if result then do
time <- fmap round getPOSIXTime :: IO Int
uuid <- nextRandom
insert "INSERT INTO visits (timestamp, uuid) values (?, ?)" (time :: Int, toString uuid :: String)
runDb $ insertEntity $ Visit 0 time $ toString uuid
info "Inserted into db"
return (status200, toString uuid)
Expand All @@ -84,19 +82,19 @@ api ["visits", "get"] request = do
return (status200, visits)
api ["guestbook", "add"] request = do
body <- getRequestBodyChunk request
let entry = getDefault EmptyGuestbook (decode (fromStrict body) :: Maybe GuestbookEntry)
let entry = getDefault T.EmptyGuestbook (decode (fromStrict body) :: Maybe T.GuestbookEntry)
handleGuestbookEntry entry
api ["guestbook", "get"] request = do
body <- getRequestBodyChunk request
entries <- getGuestbook
return (status200, unpackBS $ toStrict $ encode $ show entries)
api ["snake", "add"] request = do
body <- getRequestBodyChunk request
let entry = getDefault EmptyLeaderboard (decode (fromStrict body) :: Maybe LeaderboardEntry)
let entry = getDefault T.EmptyLeaderboard (decode (fromStrict body) :: Maybe T.LeaderboardEntry)
handleLeaderboardEntry entry
api ["admin", "login"] request = do
body <- getRequestBodyChunk request
let credentials = getDefault EmptyCredentials (decode (fromStrict body) :: Maybe Credentials)
let credentials = getDefault T.EmptyCredentials (decode (fromStrict body) :: Maybe T.Credentials)
handleLogin credentials
api ["hello"] _ = do
return (status200, "Hello World!")
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21 changes: 7 additions & 14 deletions app/Helpers/Cli.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ import System.Exit (exitSuccess)

import Helpers.Logger (up, right, clearLine, clearEnd)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Database.SQLite.Simple (Only (Only), execute)
import Helpers.Database (getConn, initDb, insert)
import Database.SQLite.Simple.Types (Query(Query))
import Data.Text (pack, unpack)
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
import Data.Password.Bcrypt (mkPassword, hashPassword, PasswordHash (PasswordHash))
import Helpers.Database.Database (runDb)
import Database.Persist (insertEntity, PersistQueryWrite (deleteWhere))
import Helpers.Database.Schema (User(User), EntityField (UserUserName))
import Database.Persist.MySQL ((==.))

resetCursor :: Int -> IO ()
resetCursor n = do
Expand All @@ -25,30 +26,22 @@ doCommand ("help":_) = do
"exit:" ++ right 10 ++ "Exits the program",
"help:" ++ right 10 ++ "Shows help about the CLI",
"drop:" ++ right 10 ++ "Deletes a table and reruns init schema",
"drop:" ++ right 10 ++ "Deletes a table and reruns init schema :: REMOVED",
"adduser:" ++ right 7 ++ "Adds a user to the users table",
"removeuser:" ++ right 4 ++ "removes a user from the users table"
doCommand ["drop", table] = do
conn <- getConn
execute conn (Query $ pack ("DROP TABLE "++table)) ()
putStrLn "Successfully dropped table"
resetCursor 2
doCommand ("exit":_) = do
putStrLn "Exiting"
doCommand ["adduser", username, password] = do
let pass = mkPassword $ pack password
(PasswordHash hash) <- hashPassword pass
insert "INSERT INTO users(username, password) VALUES (?, ?)" (username :: String, unpack hash :: String)
runDb $ insertEntity $ User 0 username $ unpack hash
putStrLn "Successfully added user"
resetCursor 2
doCommand ["removeuser", username] = do
conn <- getConn
execute conn "DELETE FROM users WHERE username = ?" (Only username)
runDb $ deleteWhere [UserUserName ==. username]
putStrLn "Successfully removed user"
resetCursor 2
Expand Down
120 changes: 0 additions & 120 deletions app/Helpers/Database.hs

This file was deleted.

100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions app/Helpers/Database/Database.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Helpers.Database.Database where

import Helpers.Settings (getDatabaseName, getDatabaseUser, getDatabaseName, getDatabaseUser)

import Data.List (intercalate, inits)
import Data.Text (pack, Text, unpack)
import Helpers.Logger (info)
import Helpers.Tree (Tree (Tree))
import Database.Persist.TH (share, mkPersist, sqlSettings, mkMigrate, persistLowerCase)
import Database.Persist.MySQL (ConnectInfo(ConnectInfo, connectDatabase, connectUser), defaultConnectInfo, SqlPersistT, withMySQLConn, runSqlConn, runMigration, selectList, Entity (Entity), Filter (Filter), FilterValue (FilterValue), PersistFilter (BackendSpecificFilter), EntityNameDB (unEntityNameDB), getEntityDBName, getEntityFields, FieldDef (FieldDef), fieldDBName, FieldNameHS (unFieldNameHS), PersistStoreWrite (insert_))
import Control.Monad.Logger (NoLoggingT (runNoLoggingT))
import Helpers.Database.Schema (migrateAll, GuestbookEntry (GuestbookEntry), Visit, Snake, EntityField (VisitVisitUuid, TokenTokenToken), defs, Token (tokenTokenName), User (userUserName))
import Database.Persist.Types (EntityDef, FieldDef (fieldSqlType), fieldHaskell)

-- Database boilerplate

connectInfo :: IO ConnectInfo
connectInfo = do
db <- getDatabaseName
user <- getDatabaseUser
return defaultConnectInfo {
connectDatabase = db,
connectUser = user

runDb :: SqlPersistT (NoLoggingT IO) a -> IO a
runDb cmd = do
info <- connectInfo
runNoLoggingT . withMySQLConn info . runSqlConn $ cmd

doMigration :: IO ()
doMigration = runDb $ runMigration migrateAll

-- utils
guestbookToTree :: [GuestbookEntry] -> Int -> [Tree GuestbookEntry]
guestbookToTree entries targetParent = [Tree (GuestbookEntry id timestamp name content parent) $ guestbookToTree entries id | (GuestbookEntry id timestamp name content parent) <- entries, parent == targetParent]
-- getters

getVisits :: IO [Visit]
getVisits = do
visits <- runDb $ selectList [] []
return $ map (\(Entity _ u) -> u) visits

getGuestbook :: IO [Tree GuestbookEntry]
getGuestbook = do
entries <- runDb $ selectList [] [] :: IO [Entity GuestbookEntry]
return $ guestbookToTree (map (\(Entity _ entry) -> entry) entries) (-1)

getGuestbookEntries :: IO [GuestbookEntry]
getGuestbookEntries = do
entries <- runDb $ selectList [] []
return $ map (\(Entity _ e) -> e) entries

getLeaderboard :: IO [Snake]
getLeaderboard = do
entries <- runDb $ selectList [] []
return $ map (\(Entity _ e) -> e) entries

getUsers :: IO [User]
getUsers = do
entries <- runDb $ selectList [] []
return $ map (\(Entity _ e) -> e) entries

getTokens :: IO [Token]
getTokens = do
entries <- runDb $ selectList [] []
return $ map (\(Entity _ e) -> e) entries

uuidExists :: String -> IO Bool
uuidExists uuid = do
visits <- runDb $ selectList [Filter VisitVisitUuid (FilterValue uuid) (BackendSpecificFilter "LIKE")] [] :: IO [Entity Visit]
print visits
return (visits /= [])

tokenToUsername :: String -> IO String
tokenToUsername token = do
(Entity _ token:_) <- runDb $ selectList [Filter TokenTokenToken (FilterValue token) (BackendSpecificFilter "LIKE")] []
return $ tokenTokenName token

-- schema
prettyPrintSchema :: String
prettyPrintSchema = intercalate "\n" $ map (\(def :: EntityDef) ->
dbName def ++ unwords (map (\(field :: FieldDef) ->
"\n\t" ++fieldName field ++ replicate (20 - length (fieldName field)) ' ' ++ fieldType field) $ getEntityFields def)) defs
dbName :: EntityDef -> String
dbName entity = unpack $ unEntityNameDB $ getEntityDBName entity
fieldName :: FieldDef -> String
fieldName field = unpack $ unFieldNameHS $ fieldHaskell field
fieldType :: FieldDef -> String
fieldType field = show $ fieldSqlType field

validateToken :: String -> IO Bool
validateToken token = do
tokens <- getTokens
case tokens of
[] -> return False
_ -> return True

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