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DASD-12493 - Added content purge script for afd #249

DASD-12493 - Added content purge script for afd

DASD-12493 - Added content purge script for afd #249

Workflow file for this run

name: Test
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Validate editorconfig
working-directory: .
run: |
npm install eclint
node ./node_modules/eclint/bin/eclint.js check
- name: "Install PowerShell modules"
run: |
Install-Module -Name Pester -RequiredVersion 4.10.1 -Force
Install-Module -Name powershell-yaml -Force
## Below modules can be removed once all Az/AzTable cmdlets are defined as empty functions and mocked within Pester tests
Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber -Force
Install-Module -Name AzTable -AllowClobber -Force
shell: pwsh
- name: Invoke Tests
run: ./Tests/Invoke-Tests.ps1
shell: pwsh
- name: Publish Test Results
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action@v2
if: always()
nunit_files: "**/TEST-*.xml"