- A calendar for myself and friends.
- Preview UI - Netlify (without server!) https://dayboard.netlify.app
- Install
cd client && pnpm i && pnpm run dev
cd server && pnpm i && pnpm run dev
- Login: pocketbook.love24@gmail.com
- Password: midapa24
I've used different calendars and todo lists before, but i didn't feel inspired to use them. Just a soulless list that forces you stop your chilling and do something.
In this application, I focus on futuristic and living design.
After registration -> authorization, the user will be prompted to create a template to be used in subsequent days. Every day a new todo list is created according to the template and the user fills it out by solving scheduled tasks.
The user can at any time to get statistics by day, by range days in the form of a radar chart. It displays entire information about completed tasks for the selected period and displays the dynamics of task completion.
Naturally, the user at any time can edit statistics for any of the past days, create a new one or delete an old one.
There is still a lot to do, but i don't give up.
- Able to signup
- Able to login
- Auth validation
- Notifaction about error/success authorization
- Able to create/change default template
- Able to change todo tasks in day
- Able to change day as current day
- Radar chart for displaying solo day information
- Radar chart for displaying range days information
- Linear chart for getting info about specific task (only for range days)
- Error notifaction about missing day/s todo
- Datepicker component for selecting solo day, range of days
- UI effects for datepicker
- Theme switcher (dark/light mode)
- Mobile version
- i18n localization
- ...
- Datepicker component (reusable)
- Tab component (reusable)
- Modal component (reusable)
- Pagination (reusable)
- Select (reusable)
- Input (reusable)
- Vitest for core logic
- Testing-Library for UI component
- Atomic arhitecture
- Composition API & Composables
- Functional core, Imperative shell
- Function ref
- Reactivity Transform