Releases: SkyLundy/Fluency
Releases · SkyLundy/Fluency
Release 2.1.1
Bugfix. Recommended for all users
- Fixes issue where upgrading or installing where a translation engine has not been configured causes an error that prevents configuring the module or using translation features. Thanks to @jacmaes for finding/reporting and @ryangorley, @fstrizzi, @tomfrit for helping troubleshoot
Release 2.1.0
New features, Bugfixes, Documentation, Code Improvement, Recommended for all users
- Translation cache now caches translations permanently until cleared on the module config page when
translation caching is enabled. - Some Fluency methods are now hookable. Refer to README for documentation and examples. Credit to
@harikt for inspiring this feature. - Globally excluded strings can now be entered either one per line or all on one line separated by
a || (double pipe). Credit to @BernhardBaumrock for the feature suggestion - Translating static strings using the ProcessWire translator now offers the ability to specify the
language code to be used for the source language - Fix issue where strings configured to be excluded from translations on the module config page were
being translated. Credit to @BernhardBaumrock for finding and reporting - Correct issue where custom language code field that may optionally be added to ProcessWire
language pages was inconsistent and incorrectly documented.
- Update PHP code formatting to follow PSR-12 standards
- Update .editorconfig with additional file definitions
- Remove extraneous namespace registrations with ProcessWire
- Improve docblocks
- Remove some annoying code styles
- Remove file
statements where namespaceuse
should be in source files - Simplify internal class/filenames
- Update caniuse package
- Update
to reflect current forums post URL
Release v2.0.0
- Fixed possible errors that may occur when globally ignored strings are processed during translation
- Fixed issue that may cause an error to be returned when no error occurred
- Add notice about fresh install from old version in README
- Version bump to 2.0.0 due to breaking changes after changing how module data is stored
Release v1.0.9
NOTE: If upgrading from 1.0.7 or earlier, you will be required to configure your selected translation engine again after upgrading. Existing content will not be affected.
Release v1.0.8
NOTE: You will be required to configure your selected translation engine again after upgrading.
Existing content will not be affected.
- Added ability to disable translation on a per-field basis. Reference for usage.
- Added composer.json to list in the directory. You can now install Fluency with
composer require firewire/fluency
- Updated the style of the text in the activity overlay, like "Translating" and "Refreshing" to
look better where fields may be smaller. - Acitivity overlay animation texts are now randomized for each instance. Just aesthetics.
- Fix issue where CKEditors in collapsed Repeater and RepeaterMatrix fields would fail to be
initialized using Fluency when loaded via AJAX after expanding the repeater item. Credit to
@saintsfield for finding and reporting - Fix issue where translating a field when there are both languages that are and are not
translatable/configured in Fluency are present would fail. Now indicates per-language
unavailability depending if configured in Fluency or not. Credit to @ryangorley for finding and
reporting - Made the donate button on the config page smaller
- Fix error caused by Fluency attempting to get the translation action from the module config before
it was available - Uninstalling the module now deletes the Fluency admin page
- Fluency config values are now stored as JSON rather than serialized objects which in some
instances was causing issues on some servers with ModSecurity and false positives. Credit to @update-switzerland for finding and reporting. - Add fromJson method to FluencyDTO parent class to better handle Data Transfer Object instantiation
where data may come from storage as JSON - Translation cache is now enabled by default as described in the file
Release v1.0.7
- Add ability to have both 'Translate From Default Language' and 'Translate To All Languages' buttons added to inputfields. Credit to @ryangorley for the feature suggestion
- Add ability to translate any file used by ProcessWire directly where the __() string translation method is used from the filesystem in any directory. See Fluency::translateProcessWireFiles() method for documentation and usage
- Translation results can now be casted to a string. Casting EngineTranslationData objects to string now outputs the first item in the translations property array which is useful when translating individual strings. Credit to @BernhardBaumrock for the feature suggestion
- Add source/target language swapping and clear field contents buttons to the standalone translator, translated content field is now readonly, various improvements
- Add cache clearing on module delete, because it's polite.
- Fix issue where when creating a page, translating page titles would not populate the URLs of other languages. Credit to @ryangorley for finding and reporting
- Fix improper return value for Fluency::translate() method when pre-translation error occurs
- Add methods to AllConfiguredLanguageData object where filtering and finding ConfiguredLanguageData objects is improved
- Remove 'Click To Translate All' button on the 'Find Files To Translate' page where it did nothing
- Add Fluency::clearAllCaches() method and matching Fluency API endpoint
- Improve documentation
- Moved PHP array value type checking to importable functions
- Fluency now makes recommendations for actions where necessary when upgrading
- Improve messaging when Fluency experiences issues during module configuration. Credit to @BernhardBaumrock for recommending
- Fix issue where 'Translate to all languages' button would also translate the default content which would unnecessarily increase API usage (sorry)
- Add TranslationCache::getAllCachedTranslations() method to... do what the method name says
- Add TranslationCache::deleteByCacheKey() method to... also do what the method name says
- Clean up namespace registration in Fluency.module.php
- Remove unused class imports
- Remove legacy JavaScripts
- Fix UI issue where translate buttons for page name fields were next to the inputs rather than under them
- Fix issue where translations may include encoded HTML entities. Bug caused by translating links in content. Credit to @BernhardBaumrock for finding/reporting
- Fix issue with handling entities via mbstring now errors in PHP 8.2 causing translations with ProcessWire page links to fail, credit to @BernhardBaumrock for finding and reporting.
- Fix issue where FluencyErrors::FLUENCY_UNKNOWN_TARGET showed a message indicating that the source language was the issue. Credit to @BernhardBaumrock for finding and reporting
Release v1.0.6
Bugfix, Internal Updates, Recommended for all users
- Move initializations to
method so that Fluency can be used prior toready()
which to
allow functionality to be extended beyond the page context. Allows Fluency to be accessed and
used by other modules. - Removed call to previously removed method in module
Release v1.0.5
Critical update, Bugfix upgrade recommended for all users.
- Fix return type error when Fluency attempts to get configured languages in some instances credit
to @jacmaes for finding and reporting. Resolves issue 3. - Fix bug where rendering language links appended an extra divider after list if a divider was
passed to the method
Full Changelog: v1.0.4...v1.0.5
Release v1.0.4
- Added TOC to README
- Reorganized/clarified text of README for easier reading
- Fixed speling mistakes in README
- Expanded README to include Contributing section
- Expanded README to include documentation for translating multiple strings in one call
- Expanded README to include documentation for DTO methods and helpers
- FluencyMarkup now accepts
parameter - FluencyMarkup now removes empty HTML attributes on render
- The module method
now adds active class to<li>
element containing the current page language rather than the<a>
element contained within it. - When when a divider value is passed to
, the<li>
element is given adivider
class - Added missing parameter description to docblock for
Release v1.0.3
- Can now get number of engine translatable languages by passing the EngineTranslatableLangauages
instance tocount()
- Update README to include information about site & core translation files
- Update README to include additional detaila about caching
- Update README to include additional details and examples on module methods
- Spelling errors in docblocks fixed
- Add additional work to Translation Engine DEVDOC (WIP)