1. create a t2.micro EC2 instance with CentOS 7.4 (e.g. ami-0df65459f2f119903 on us-west-2) that will be used as cluster admin host.
2. once the EC2 is up, ssh to the EC2 and become root.
3. inside the EC2, run the following commands:
** Remember to change the AWS access key and secret, region and subdomain below
git clone https://github.com/dashbase/dashbase-installation.git
cd dashbase-installation/
./aws_eks_dashbase_install.sh --aws_access_key=YOURAWSACCESSKEY \
--aws_secret_access_key=YOURACESSSECRETACCESSKEY \
--region=YOURREGION --subdomain=YOURSUBDOMAIN --install_dashbase
Enable basic auth when installing dashbase during EKS cluster setup
./aws_eks_dashbase_install.sh --aws_access_key=YOURAWSACCESSKEY \
--aws_secret_access_key=YOURACESSSECRETACCESSKEY \
--region=YOURREGION --subdomain=YOURSUBDOMAIN --install_dashbase \
For V2 setup
./aws_eks_dashbase_install.sh --v2 --aws_access_key=YOURAWSACCESSKEY \
--aws_secret_access_key=YOURACESSSECRETACCESSKEY \
--region=YOURREGION --subdomain=YOURSUBDOMAIN --install_dashbase
This will create EKS cluster with two r5.xlarge nodes in the region specified and install dashbase on this cluster.
Installation process saves progress information into log file in current working directory:
dashbase_install_`date +%d-%m-%Y_%H-%M-%S`.log
At the end of installation process, ingress controller IP will be provided. Create Record Set mapping from ingress controller IP to subdomain using AWS Route 53. After that, endpoints to access Dashbase Web UI, Dashbase table for indexing and Dashbase grafana for monitoring can be accessed.
Run remove_aws_eks.sh script with --region parameter. It will find EKS dashbase cluster in that region and delete it.
cd dashbase-installation/
deployment-tools/remove_aws_eks.sh --region=REGION
1. You have K8s cluster with minimum 2 nodes of r5.xlarge or equivalent
2. You have kubectl command installed and able to access K8s cluster
3. You cloned Dashbase installation repository with:
git clone https://github.com/dashbase/dashbase-installation.git
Run the installer with --platform flag provided (mandatory) It will install dashbase with internal https, secure presto, and expose web/tables endpoints in LB.
cd dashbase-installation/
./dashbase-installer.sh --platform=aws
install script options
--platform aws or azure or gce
--subdomain provide subdomain field when expose via ingress and is required to have ingress flag be present
e.g. --subdomain=mydomain.bigdomain.io
--version specify a version if not nightly will be used
e.g. --version=1.0.1
--ingress use ingress to expose web/tables; while default is using LB
--exposemon expose dashbase observibility tools: pushgateway, prometheus
--valuefile specify a custom dashbase value yaml file
e.g. --valuefile=/tmp/mydashbase_values.yaml
--username username for license information
e.g. --username=scott
--license dashbase license string
e.g. --license=Aertyujk8903HJKLBNMLOP34erTui
--basic_auth enable basic authentication via default ingress controller
--authusername basic auth username
e.g. --authusername=admin
--authpassword basic auth password
e.g. --authpassword=dashbase
--valuefile specifiy a custom dashbase values yaml file.
dashbase setup will base on provided custom values yaml file only.
e.g. --valuefile=/tmp/my-dashbase-values.yaml
The following options only be valid on V2 dashbase
--v2 setup dashbase V2
--bucketname cloud object storage bucketname
e.g. --bucketname=my-s3-dashbase
--storgae_account cloud storage account value, in AWS is the ACCESS KEY
e.g. --storage_account=MYSTORAGEACCOUNTSTRING"
--storage_key cloud object storage key, in AWS is the ACCESS SECRET
###Examples of using ingress, on AWS platform
By default the dashbase-installer.sh script will use Load Balancer on K8s to expose the web and table endpoints. If you like to expose these endpoints using nginx ingress controller, then use the ingress flag, see below.
./dashbase-installer.sh --subdomain=raytest.dashbase.io --ingress --platform=aws
The standard installation requires minium 2 nodes with 8 CPU, and 64 GB Ram per node.
For smaller setup such as 2 X r5.xlarge 2 X (4cpu + 32GB ram), use the dashbase-installer-smallsetup.sh inside the deployment-tools folder
./deployment-tools/dashbase-installer-smallsetup.sh --platform=aws
./deployment-tools/upgrade-dashbase.sh --username=username --license=license
Run upgrade-dashbase.sh script and specify dashbase version
./deployment-tools/upgrade-dashbase.sh --version=1.2.0
options used on upgrade script
--version specify dashbase version
--chartversion optional entry for dashbase helm chart version, if missing will match with dashbase version
--username username for license information
--license dashbase license string