Version 3.7 ( Last Release Version )
Version 3.9 ( Current Development Version )
Skytells Framework is an Application Development Framework - a toolkit - for people who build web sites using PHP. Its goal is to enable you to develop projects much faster than you could if you were writing code from scratch, by providing a rich set of libraries for commonly needed tasks, as well as a simple interface and logical structure to access these libraries. Skytells Framework lets you creatively focus on your project by minimizing the amount of code needed for a given task.
Powered by : Skytells, Inc.
Please refer to the Release Notes for any future updates.
Also, Please see the ( Framework Guide ) to learn how to use Skytells FW.
- Fast, Powerful and Easy to use!
- URLs Routing ( Supports MultiQueries URLs )
- Built-in Very Useful Functions ( up to date )
- Built-in Ready HTML5 ( 404, 505, 403 ) Pages.
- Built-In Embed System for Social Networks Development.
- Built-In ORM System ( With Over 4 Supported Drivers )
- Advanced CLI & Analytical Tools.
- MySQL(i) Support ( Objective & Static )
- Social Plugins Support ( Facebook Login )
- Smart Debugger & Console ( DevMode )
- Development Tools ( For Debugging )
- Multi-Languages Support
- IntelliSense Debugging Console
- Advanced ( MVC ) - ( HMVC ) Support.
- Super-fast Template Engine
- GZIP Module ( For Ultra-fast Performance )
- Super great libraries
- Powerful Engines for DB, etc.
- Built-in Advanced Firewall
- SQL Injection Protection
- XSS Protection
- Local & Remote File Include Protection
- CSRF Tokens ( Forms Protection )
- Session & Cookies Protection
- Functions & Classes Protection
- SQL Queries Protection
- DDoS Attacks Protection
- Caching Support.
- Modules System
- URLs Router
- Powerful performance
- Debugger & Development Tools
- 290+ Features..
Each Version of this Framework may require a new modules or extensions to be available on your server.
- Server
- If localhost ( Please install Ampps or AppServ )
- PHP 5.6+ ( > 7 Recommended )
- Tokenizer ( PHP Module )
- Apache
- Mode_Rewrite ( Apache Module )
The Installation is too easy!
Just download the last release of the framework, and install it on your server and you're ready to go.
Using your browser or Git.
$ > git clone
Perform the following command to install it using Composer
$ > composer require skytells/framework
Please See Configuration manual for more information
Please refer to the official manual to use this framework correctly. Framework Guide
Since Skytells Framework still a new on a world that full of PHP Frameworks, But it deferent, Powerful, And Dynamic! That's why most of the big companies have chosen it as their platform.
Uddit is a very powerful social network platform built with Skytells Framework.
Skytells Cloud is a very powerful cloud system like the iCloud built with Skytells Framework.
Oxgram is a Powerful financial platform for cryptocurrencies.
This framework is a free PHP framework provided by Skytells, Inc. For any issues during using the Framework, Please inform us at
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