Stego uses least significant bit steganography to store a data in the image pixel. Currently this project make use of Pillow library provides support for PNG, TIFF, BMP or PPM (also related family) image formats and also provides support for all color types (RGB, RGBA, CMKY, GreyScale, ...) except binary images. In future versions, support for other image formats will also be added.
You can download this project directly from github repository using command line:
git clone
cd steganography
python3 install
You can also download as zip.
To get a list of all options and switches to use:
foo@bar:~$ python -m stego -h
The following command used to store file data into the image. Also use -p options to password protect data, uses AES encryption.
foo@bar:~$ python -m stego -e test/cmyk.tiff -f
The following command is used to extract data and write to file if file embedded else print message to console.
foo@bar:~$ python -m stego -x test/cmyk.tiff
Similar to exiftool, display metadata of the image file and data stored.
foo@bar:~$ python3 -m stego -i test/cmyk.tiff
Listing details:
File name : test/cmyk.tiff
File type : TIFF
Color type : CMYK
Image size : 120x120
Data stored : FILE
Data size : 1023 bytes (gzip compressed)
++ file name :
Command used to remove the data present by randomizing the lsb of the image.
foo@bar:~$ python -m stego -r test/cmyk.tiff
foo@bar:~$ python test/
foo@bar:~$ python test/
foo@bar:~$ python test/