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quick start

Nick edited this page Mar 21, 2022 · 13 revisions

This page is designed to provide a quick start in using the Token Negotiator, with the demo examples.

Before following these steps, please ensure you have Node Js installed on your computer (

This guide will provide two working versions of how Token Negotiation can be done (served on your local computer).

  1. First download this repository which contains various examples and the source code**

  1. Next at the root of the examples

run npm i to install dependancies. run npm run install to install dependancies. run npm run start to start the examples (across many localhost ports).

  1. First, navigate to the ticket issuer example (localhost:3005) in a browser and select a token**

  2. Refresh the page and you should now see the selected token/ticket in view

  3. Next, navigate to the hotel bogota examples (localhost:3000 & localhost:3001) and interact with the website to see how the token can be applied

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