A proof of concept to demonstrate the use of on chain tokens in various scenarios
See: https://tokenscript.github.io/token-negotiator-on-chain-poc-example/
- Offer A: Tickets to Studio54 offered to BAYC Derivative Holders
- Offer B: Free T-shirt for Expansion Punk Holders
- Offer C: Exclusive Subscription to Vogue for BAYC Derivative + Woman tribe
- Offer D: Car Hire Discount for Riot Racers
- Offer E: Car Hire Demo for Riot Racers
- Offer F: 20% Off for your next VIP experienceto BAYC Derivative Holders
- Offer G: Free T-shirt for Zed Holders
From the Token overlay connect to the issuers then select the desired tokens. Once selecting the NFT/s the page will update with the available offers.
merge code to main branch
To extend the example with new offers, see:
offers: {}
which contains the offers and notification copy.negotiator.on("tokens-selected", (tokens) => { ... }
which triggers the offer validation when tokens are added / removed.