Detect colors with name, hex code, RGB, HSL from image or your screen after taking it's screenshot and color Palettes and profiles using Palette API and Compose ImageCropper library
Screen | Image |
![]() |
![]() |
To get a Git project into your build:
- Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
- Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.SmartToolFactory:Compose-Color-Detector:<version>'
uses ImageWithThumbnail
from Compose Image library
to display image in bounds and get bounds and show thumbnail on left or right side of the screenshot
when enabled
fun ScreenColorDetector(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
enabled: Boolean = false,
thumbnailSize: Dp = 80.dp,
@IntRange(from = 100, to = 500) thumbnailZoom: Int = 200,
screenRefreshPolicy: ScreenRefreshPolicy = OnEnable,
content: @Composable () -> Unit,
delayBeforeCapture: Long = 0L,
onColorChange: (ColorData) -> Unit
- enabled when enabled detect color at user's point of touch
- thumbnailSize size of the thumbnail that displays touch position with zoom
- thumbnailZoom zoom scale between 100% and 500%
- screenRefreshPolicy how to set or refresh screenshot of the screen. By default screenshot is
taken when
flag is set to true after delay specified withdelayBeforeCapture
. - If
is selected screenshot is taken whenenabled
is false and when first pointer is down or last pointer is up after delay specified withdelayBeforeCapture
- delayBeforeCapture how many milliseconds should be waited before taking screenshot of the
screen content is screen/Composable is displayed to user to get color from.
from screen when users first down and stores it. - onColorChange callback to notify that user moved and picked a color
detects color and name from Image on user touch
fun ImageColorDetector(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
imageBitmap: ImageBitmap,
contentScale: ContentScale = ContentScale.FillBounds,
alignment: Alignment = Alignment.Center,
colorNameParser: ColorNameParser = rememberColorParser(),
thumbnailSize: Dp = 70.dp,
@IntRange(from = 100, to = 500) thumbnailZoom: Int = 200,
onColorChange: (ColorData) -> Unit
- imageBitmap image is being drawn and colors to be detected
- contentScale how image should be layout inside the Canvas that is drawn
- alignment Optional alignment parameter used to place the ImageBitmap in the
- given bounds defined by the width and height
- thumbnailSize size of the thumbnail that displays touch position with zoom
- thumbnailZoom zoom scale between 100% and 500%
- onColorChange callback to notify that user moved and picked a color
fun ImageColorPalette(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
imageBitmap: ImageBitmap,
selectedIndex: Int,
colorNameParser: ColorNameParser = rememberColorParser(),
maximumColorCount: Int = 16,
onColorChange: (ColorData) -> Unit
Generates color profiles and percentage of each color using Palette API