Simple sunrise and sunset calculator
This is an offline application, and all calculations performed on your computer, so no Internet access required.
Supported platforms: Windows, MacOS, Linux, *BSD and other Unix-like.
Pre-built binaries available on releases page.
Alternatively, you may install ra from source. Run within source directory
go install
Just invoke ra
with specified -lat
and -long
$ ~/go/bin/ra -lat 37.629562 -long -116.849556
Sunrise : 2020-06-19 05:25:55 -0700 PDT
Sunset : 2020-06-19 16:59:59 -0700 PDT
Press ENTER to continue...
$ ra - h
Usage of /home/user/go/bin/ra:
-date string
date in YYYY.MM.DD format. Default is current date. (default "2020-06-20")
-lat float
latitude (default NaN)
-long float
longitude (default NaN)
don't wait for user to press Enter