I'm Snehanjan Chatterjee, a Software Developer - 3 at Oracle
I'm Snehanjan Chatterjee, a Software Developer - 3 at Oracle
Frontend of Url Shortener project in NextJs
TypeScript 1
Backend of Url Shortener project in Spring Boot
Java 1
Collection of LeetCode questions to ace the coding interview! - Created using [LeetHub](https://github.com/QasimWani/LeetHub)
C++ 2
A weather dashboard made using Angular and openweathermap API https://snehanjanchatterjee.github.io/Weather-Dashboard/
TypeScript 1
This paper inspects the impact of feature vector produced by Frechet Distance (FD) along with the conventional distance based features to recognize online handwritten Bangla characters. FD based fe…
C 1
I have used Arduino Uno to implement a working model of an autonomous bio-metric voting machine with the idea of considerably curbing rigging.