Showdown Bot is the simplest way of creating custom MLB Showdown cards. Simply enter a player's name, season, and image. The Showdown Bot takes care of the rest.
(Optional) pyenv or virtualenv
MLB Showdown Bot is available on PyPi
pip install mlb-showdown-bot
MLB Showdown Bot can be run directly from the CLI
showdownbot --name "Mike Piazza" --year 1997 --context 2001
Example Python use:
from mlb_showdown_bot.showdown_player_card_generator import ShowdownPlayerCardGenerator
from mlb_showdown_bot.baseball_ref_scraper import BaseballReferenceScraper
name = 'Mike Piazza'
year = '1997'
scraper = BaseballReferenceScraper(name=name,year=year)
statline = scraper.player_statline()
showdown = ShowdownPlayerCardGenerator(
At minimum, the bot takes a player's NAME and SEASON as inputs. The first step is identifying which player the user is trying to create a card for.
Included in the Bot's files is a mapping of Player Name (ex: Jacob DeGrom) -> Baseball Reference Id (ex: degroja01). The Bot will use this mapping if the entered name matches ONE player in the mapping file.
Because there have been around 20,000 unique players in the history of the MLB, there are cases of multiple players sharing the same name (ex: Frank Thomas (1951-1966) and Frank Thomas (1990-2008)).
To solve for this, the bot first searches the phrase "baseball reference {name} {year}". (Ex: "baseball reference frank thomas 1994"). Using Google's indexing algorithm, the bot chooses the first search result and derives the player's unique baseball reference id from it.
The bot uses Baseball Reference as it's source for player data. Baseball Reference stores statistics for all of the ~20,000 players to make an appearance in the big leagues.
Stats are extracted from the the baseball reference page for the player id selected in the previous step. Stats like batting average, home runs, and defensive metrics (tzr/drs) are extracted only for the chosen season(s). For pitchers, opponent batting results are used (ex: batting average against).
Some of this player data is unavailable for certain years or timeframes. Below is a list of unsupported time periods:
- Pitchers before 1901 (no batting against data)
- Negro Leagues (no batting against data)
- Postseason (no batting against data)
- Minor Leagues (no batting against data)
- Spring Training (no batting against data)
If the selected season occured after 2015, sprint speed is also extracted from Baseball Savant. A player's average sprint speed is used to determine in-game SPEED.
The stats scraped in the previous step are used as inputs to determine the player's MLB Showdown card for the selected season. The player's in-game abilities are derived using the probability of outcome for each result on an MLB Showdown chart. More about that process is detailed below in the Card Methodology section.
To create the card image, the Pillow library is leveraged to dynamically create the final jpg. The user can add optional enhancements like selecting an image and adding Super Season or Cooperstown Collection graphics.
NOTE: A player's ONBASE (hitter) or CONTROL (pitcher) are referred to in this repository as COMMAND.
The following steps are used to select the most accurate MLB Showdown card stats for a player:
- Calculate Onbase Pct for each possible Command/Out combination.
- Produce a chart for each Command/Out combination using the player's real life statline.
- Choose the most accurate chart + Command/Out combination by comparing projected Showdown statline to real life statline for that set's weight categories (ex: OBP, SLG)
Each of these steps work by a using baseline opponent to project in-game outcomes. A baseline opponent represents the approximate average pitcher or hitter a player would face in-game. The baseline stats are represented by a dictionary that includes Command, Outs, and number of chart results for each category (SO, BB, HR, etc). Baseline opponents differ for each MLB Showdown set.
Example baseline pitcher for 2001 set. **Note that all weight categories may not add up to 20 perfectly.
'2001': {
'command': 3.0,
'outs': 16.0,
'so': 4.1,
'bb': 1.35,
'1b': 2.0,
'2b': 0.62,
'3b': 0.00,
'hr': 0.11
These baseline opponents are vital to determining the final output of the player card. Adjusting these values will change which chart the bot decides is the most accurate. Because the actual baselines used to create the original sets are unknown, these are estimations based on set averages and testing against WOTC cards. The goal is to find the baseline weights that most closely resemble the original sets from 2000-2005.
For each set, a static list of possible Command/Out combinations is defined for each player type (Hitter, Pitcher) in the showdown constants file. This list is used to generate the expected Onbase Pct for each combination using the baseline described above as the opponent. The following formula is used:
P(My Advantage) * P(Walk Or Hit on My Chart) + P(Opponent Advantage) * P(Walk Or Hit on Opponent's Chart)
Only a few Command/Out combinations that are closest to the player's real life onbase pct are further processed. This is for efficiency and greater accuracy.
Now that a list of the most accurate Command/Out combinations (in terms of onbase pct) has been generated, a player's full in-game chart can be produced for each combination.
A player's chart is generated by populating each result category.
- Pitcher: (PU, SO, GB, FB, BB, 1B, 2B, HR)
- Hitters: (SO, GB, FB, BB, 1B, 1B+, 2B, 3B, HR)
The number of results (out of 20 slots) assigned to each category are calculated using this formula:
(category_real_life_results_per_400_pa - (baseline_opponent_advantages_per_20_rolls * baseline_opponent_category_results)) / my_advantages_per_20_rolls
Important caveats:
- Stats are normalized to 400 Plate Appearances to mirror the 400 possible showdown roll combinations (20 (Pitch Roll) * 20 (Swing Roll)).
- FB, GB, PU are limited to OUT constraints. They use a different formula involving Ground/Air Out Ratio and Infield FB Pct.
- 1B+ is determined by dividing stolen bases per 400 PA by a weighting determined by the player's Onbase. This yields higher 1B+ chart slots for player's with a lower Onbase. For example lets say Player A had 30 steals per 400PA and an Onbase of 6, while Player B had 30 steals per 400PA and an Onbase of 9. Player A will have more 1B+ on his card, as he gets the advantage less.
- 1B is filled with the slots remaining after all other categories are populated.
- The Maximum BB on a hitter's chart is 13 (thanks Barry Bonds '04).
- The maximum HR on a hitter's chart is 10.
Now that a chart has been generated for each Command/Out combination, the bot has all the required datapoints needed to determine accuracy.
The player's Command and chart values are used to estimate the player's in-game statline for 400 Plate Appearances. That statline is then compared to the player's real life statline per 400 Plate Appearances. Some stat categories are given more weight than others (ex: OBP accuracy is weighted more heavily than SLG accuracy). Both real and in-game statlines are displayed in website and CLI outputs.
The chart with the highest aggregate accuracy is chosen as the final chart returned by the bot.
To display one of the other chart outputs, add the optional offset/ argument on the CLI or the Stats Version option on the website. It allows the user to use any of the other charts from the Top 5 most accurate list. Use the --offset
argument if in the CLI or choose an Stats Version > 1 in the Stats Version section of the website.
Each player can have a maximum of 2 positions. For a position to qualify, the player has to make at least 7 appearances or at least 15% of games at that position. The positions are then limited to the top 2 by number of appearances.
In-game defensive ratings are calculated based on either Total Zone Rating (tzr), Defensive Runs Saved (drs), or Defensive Wins Above Replacement (dWAR). The bot will choose which metric to use depending on the year:
- 1870-1953: dWAR
- 1953-2002: TZR
- 2003-Pres: DRS
All these metrics work by comparing a certain player to the average replacement at that position (0). For example a +10 TZR is an above average rating, while a -7 TZR is below average.
The player's in-game rating is calculated with a percentile within a range. The player's in-game rating is calculated based on that percentile multiplied by the highest rating for each position (Ex: 3B: +4, SS: +5, LF/RF: +2).
Ex: David Wright 2007 (+12 DRS)
* 3B Rating = Percentile * 3B In-Game Max
* 3B Rating = 0.8 * 4
* 3B Rating = 3.2
* 3B Rating = +3
Pitchers fall under the following categories
- STARTER: >40% of pitcher's appearances were starts
- RELIEVER: <=40 % of pitcher's appearances were in relief
- CLOSER: pitcher had at least 10 saves
In-game SPEED is calculated differently depending on the year.
- If the year is AFTER 2015, SPRINT SPEED is used. (Sourced from Baseball Savant)
- If the year is BEFORE or ON 2015, STOLEN BASES (per 650 PA) is used.
Either SPRINT SPEED or STOLEN BASES is then converted to a percentile based off a range (the same way that defense is calculated). That percentile is then multiplied by the maximum in-game speed.
For example, the range of SPRINT SPEED is from 23 ft/sec to 31 ft/sec. If a player's SPRINT SPEED was 27ft/sec, they are in the 50th percentile (0.5). If the maximum in-game speed was 25, then this player's in-game SPEED is equal to 25 * 0.5, which rounds to 13.
** Pitchers are automatically given a SPEED of 10.
Icons were a feature introduced in 2003 MLB Showdown sets.
This is the list of available icons and how a player is eligible:
** Some of these thresholds are slightly different than the original game.
- SS: Won Silver Slugger Award.
- GG: Won Gold Glove Award.
- V: Won AL or NL Most Valuable Player Award.
- CY: Won AL or NL CY Young Award.
- R: Selected season was player's first year in MLB.
- RY: Won AL or NL Rookie of the Year Award.
- 20: Won 20 or more games as a Pitcher.
- K: Struck out at least 215 batters.
- HR: Hit at least 40 Home Runs or led either league in Home Runs.
- SB: Stole at least 40 bases or led either league in Steals.
- RP: Led AL or NL in Saves.
A player's point value is calculated by summing up a player's value provided in the following categories:
- Onbase Pct
- Batting Avg
- Slugging Pct
- Defense
- Speed
- Home Runs
- Icons (03+)
- Onbase Pct Against
- Batting Avg Against
- Slugging Pct Against
- Innings Pitched
- Icons (03+)
- CLOSER Bonus (00 ONLY)
A player's point value in each category is calculated by multiplying the WEIGHT given to the category by the PERCENTILE the player placed in.
The WEIGHT is the number of points provided if the player achieves the 100th percentile in that category. The percentile is calculated by taking difference between the player's stat and minimum values for a category, and dividing it by the difference between maximum and minimum values assigned to the category. The WEIGHT represents how many points a player will receive if they are in the 100th percentile in the category. NOTE: WEIGHTS change across sets.
This calculation is performed for each category. The categorical point values are summed into the player's final total point value.
Ex: Larry Walker, 550 PTS (2003 Base Set)
BA: .348
OBP: .419
SLG: .608
PA: 553
1B: 104
2B: 33
3B: 1
HR: 29 (34.5 per 650 PAs)
BB: 68
SO: 67
= 160 * (0.419 - 0.270) / (0.425 - 0.270)
= 160 * 0.96
= 154 pts.
= 160 * 1.29
= 206 pts.
= 50 * 1.37
= 68.5 pts.
= 60 * 0.98
= 59 pts.
= 55 * 0.10
= 5.5 pts.
= 45 * 1.00
= 45 pts.
Points (G Icon) = WEIGHT
= 10 pts.
Points (Total) = Round(154 + 206 + 68.5 + 59 + 5.5 + 45 + 10)
= 550
There are additional weights/logic applied across the different sets to try to match to the original WOTC sets.
- Allow Negatives: If True, allows a player to be penalized in the negative for a bad category. For example if a player is under the threshold defined for OBP, they will receive negative PTS for OBP. If False, player gets +0 PTS for that category if below threshold.
- Normalize Towards Median: If True, a player over a certain value will get overall points reduced in order to keep a "Bell Curve" of point distribution. Scaler increases as point value above set value increases.
- Positional Defense Weights: In some sets, certain positions are weighted lower than others. For example in the 2003 set, LF/RF max defense (+2) is worth 25% less than max CF defense (+3)
- Command Outs Adjustment: In some sets, certain Command - Out combinations receive a manual adjustment to closer match WOTC. These are often small adjustments (1-5%) that only are applied to slashline and HR point categories.
Multi-year or career long cards can be created on Showdown Bot using the year input. Here are some examples:
- 2005-2010
- 2005+2007+2010+2013
Card methodology will slightly change if the user enters a multi-year card. Differences include:
- SPEED: Speed rating is based on the avg across the selected years. If the card crosses between using SB and Sprint Speed as metrics, it will use Sprint Speed if 35% of the seasons choosen are after 2015. Otherwise it will use SB as the benchmark.
- TEAM: If the choosen player played for multiple teams, the Bot will assign the team with the most games played.
- DEFENSE: For each qualified position, the Bot uses the median defensive metric (drs/tzr/dWar) calculated across the choosen years. The qualification for positions increases from 15% -> 25%.
- GB/FB: The GO/AO ratio is averaged across choosen years.
- Icons: If the player qualified for an icon in any of the choosen seasons, he is granted the icon in the multi-year variant. This is excluding the R icon, which is only available in single-year cards.
You can clone this repository and run it locally on your machine. Be sure you have went through the prerequisites before proceeding.
Here are the high level steps:
- Clone this repository to your local machine
- Open Terminal (MacOS) or Windows CLI
- Change the current working directory to the location where you cloned in step 1.
- Create a new virtual environment (optional)
- Install required package dependencies (instructions)
After installing and handling any package errors, you can run Showdown Bot from the command line or locally in a browser.
Command Line
python mlb_showdown_bot --name "Mike Piazza" --year 1997 --context 2001
Flask App (opened via Browser)
You can reach out to the developer of MLB Showdown Bot through email
Follow MLB Showdown Bot Twitter for updates and daily card posts!