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SlipMassage is a microcontroller message packer and parser for the SLIP format in different protocols. A SlipMassage compatible message is called a massage.

A massage message always starts with an address string and is followed by a user defined number of bytes, ints, longs, or floats. The address string is used to route the message as in OSC.

This repository is the SLIP implementation of the Massage API.

Massages can be sent and received over different communication protocols such as serial, UDP, or web sockets.

Packing and sending a massage example

Add the library to the top of your code and instantiate an SlipMassagePacker called "outbound":

#include <SlipMassagePacker.h>
SlipMassagePacker outbound;

Pack an example massage:

outbound.beginPacket("value"); // Start a packet with the address called "value".
outbound.addLong( millis() ); // Add the milliseconds.
outbound.addInt( analogRead(0) ); // Add a reading of analog 0.
outbound.endPacket(); // End the packet.

Send the packed massage (through serial in this case):

Serial.write( outbound.buffer(), outbound.size() );

Receiving and parsing a massage example

Receiving and parsing a massage

Add the library to the top of your code and instantiate an SlipMassageParser called "inbound":

#include <SlipMassageParser.h>
SlipMassageParser inbound;

Inside loop() receive the data (with serial in this case) and parse it with the SlipMassageParser. If parse() returns true, the massage is completed and ready to parse.

while ( Serial.available() ) {
    if ( inbound.parse( ) ) {
       // parse completed massage here.

This example parses a massage that starts with the address "value" and that contains one long followed by one int:

// Does the massage's address match "value"?
if ( inbound.fullMatch ("value") ) {
    // Get the first long.
    long ms = inbound.nextLong();
    // Get the next int.
    int an0 = inbound.nextInt();

Receiving and parsing a massage with a callback example

Add the library to the top of your code and instantiate an SlipMassageParser called "inbound":

#include <SlipMassageParser.h>
SlipMassageParser inbound;

Inside loop() receive the data (with serial in this case), parse it with the SlipMassageParser and call the "massageReceived" function one a massage is completed:

while ( Serial.available() ) {
    inbound.parse( , massageReceived );

Add a function in your code called "massageReceived" to process the completed massage:

void massageReceived() {
	// parse completed massage here.

This example parses a massage that starts with the address "value" and that contains one long followed by one int:

// Does the massage's address match "value"?
if ( inbound.fullMatch ("value") ) {
    // Get the first long.
    long ms = inbound.nextLong();
    // Get the next int.
    int an0 = inbound.nextInt();


SlipMassageParser (): Constructor.

parse (int data, callbackFunction callback) : Reads one element of serial port, flushing previous message if needed. Returns true iff new message has arrived. Optional callback function will be called if new message has arrived.

fullMatch (const char *address) : Return true if current message matches "address".

dispatch (const char *address, callbackFunction callback) : If current message matches "address", calls function "callback" and returns true.

nextByte () : Returns next byte in the parsed massage.

nextFloat() : Returns next float in the parsed massage.

nextInt () : Returns next int in the parsed massage.

nextLong() : Returns next long in the parsed massage.


SlipMassagePacker() : Constructor

beginPacket(const char* address) : Begins a packet (erasing any previous packet).

addByte(uint8_t value) : Adds a byte.

addInt(int16_t value) : Adds an int.

addLong(int32_t value) : Adds a long.

addFloat(float value) : Adds a float.

endPacket() : Ends a packet.

packEmpty(const char *address) : Create a packet with no arguments.

packOneByte(const char *address, uint8_t value) : Create a packet with a single byte value.

packOneInt(const char *address, int16_t value) : Create a packet with a single int value.

packOneLong(const char *address, int32_t value) : Create a packet with a single long value.

packOneFloat(const char *address, float value) : Create a packet with a single float value.

size() : Returns the size of the packed massage.

buffer() : Returns a pointer to the buffer.