This extension will obfuscate and minify your JavaScript code to make it more secure.
Once the code gets obfuscated you cannot revert it to it's original state. For best use, use this before deployment of your code.
This command will go through and obfuscate all the js files in your current Workspace. See settings for options to limit which files will be obfuscated.
This command will obfuscate the file you currently have open. This requires you to have saved this file before obfuscating it. This command will also ignore the settings Ignore Min Files
and Files To Ignore
By default code pages will be saved as a new file with their extension changed to .min.js and by default existing files will not be overwriten.
Press Ctrl
and search for JSObfuscator: Obfuscate Current Workspace
to obfuscate your current Workspace recursively or search for JSObfuscator: Obfuscate Current File
to obfuscate the current file. You have to have saved the current file before you can obfuscate it.
Default: obfuscated.js
Description: Save the file with a new extension after obfuscating. For example if you put obfuscated.js the file would be changed from test.js to test.obfuscated.js. But, if you try to obfuscating test.obfuscated.js this file will be skipped.
Description: Enter comma separated list of file names to be ignored
Default: true
Description: When processing the Workspace to obfuscate all js files do you want to ignore files with the extension .min.js
NOTE: This option is ignored when processing a single file.
Default: false
Description: When saving the obfuscated file if a file of the same name exists overwrite it with the obfuscated file.
Description: Specified some relative path where you only want to Obfuscate JavaScript.
"compact": true,
"controlFlowFlattening": true,
"deadCodeInjection": false,
"debugProtection": false,
"debugProtectionInterval": false,
"disableConsoleOutput": true,
"identifierNamesGenerator": "hexadecimal",
"log": false,
"renameGlobals": false,
"rotateStringArray": true,
"selfDefending": true,
"shuffleStringArray": true,
"splitStrings": false,
"stringArray": true,
"stringArrayEncoding": false,
"stringArrayThreshold": 0.75,
"unicodeEscapeSequence": false
Description: Enter options to be passed into javascript-obfuscator see the javascript-obfuscator documentation
Note: This needs to be done by editing your settings.json file. Here is an example of a settings.json file for just the JSObfuscator plugin.
"JSObfuscator" : {
"changeExtension": "min.js",
"filesToIgnore": "",
"ignoreMinFiles": true,
"javascript-obfuscator": {
"compact": true,
"controlFlowFlattening": true,
"deadCodeInjection": false,
"debugProtection": false,
"debugProtectionInterval": false,
"disableConsoleOutput": true,
"identifierNamesGenerator": "hexadecimal",
"log": false,
"renameGlobals": false,
"rotateStringArray": true,
"selfDefending": true,
"shuffleStringArray": true,
"splitStrings": false,
"stringArray": true,
"stringArrayEncoding": false,
"stringArrayThreshold": 0.75,
"unicodeEscapeSequence": false
"overwriteExistingFiles" : false,
"subPathInWorkspace": ""
It is not recommended to obfuscate vendor scripts and polyfills, since the obfuscated code is 15-80% slower (depending on options) and the files are significantly larger.
This extension use JavaScript obfuscator
- Update gif in Usage
Feel free to modify/change or create a new better version using this Repo. If you find any issues you can report Here.
Write a review if this plugin helps you out anyhow
Enjoy! 🤗