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Convenience scripts for Eclipse Leda quickstart tutorials


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Leda Core Utilities

The Eclipse Leda core utilities are some some optional utilities and scripts for the runtime. They are considered convenient tools for development and testing purposes. They are pre-installed to the Leda Quickstart images.

List of utilities:

  • sdv-device-info: Show and update device information
  • sdv-health: Show SDV software components health status
  • kanto-auto-deployer: Automatically deploys containers on boot
  • kantui: A text user interface for kanto-cm to manage containers (start, stop, logs)
  • sdv-motd: Message-of-the-Day shown after login prompt
  • can-forward: Forwarding a CAN-bus network interface into a containerized Vehicle Application
  • sdv-ctr-exec: Execute arbitrary commands in existing containers
  • sdv-kanto-ctl: Manage the Kanto Container Management configuration via CLI


SDV Device Info

Synposis: ./sdv-device-info [options] [command]

Full help:

Usage: ./sdv-device-info [options] [command]
Update SDV device configuration information in configuration files.
Example: ./sdv-device-info -v env"

 show                 : Display configuration (default command)
 help                 : This message
 version              : Display the SDV software stack versions
 env                  : Format output for use in scripts

 --ansi | -a      : Don't use colored output.
 --norestart | -n : Do not automatically restart services
 --verbose | -v   : Enable verbose mode.
 --help | -h      : This message.

Display current device information

Display the current device configuration, such as Device ID.

Synposis: ./sdv-device-info show

Use device information in scripts

To use device information on other scripts, it may be useful to source the device information variables into the current environment variable context:

Synposis: source ./sdv-device-info env


$ source ./sdv-device-info env
$ echo $DEVICE_ID

SDV Health

The ./sdv-health utility display a status overview of some important dependencies and device configurations for the SDV stack. The sdv health utility can be configured using the sdv.conf configuration file.

Example output:

Eclipse Leda SDV Health



Usage:  ./can-forward {-h} {-p PID} {-c container} <hw_can>

  hw_can          Host CAN hw interface to forward. Default: can0
  -c container    Attemmpt to get netns PID from a running container: (docker, ctr). Default: seat_service
  -p PID          Use provided PID for transferring vxcan interface (e.g.: docker inspect -f '{{ .State.Pid }}' container)
  -h              Prints this message


ps -C seat_service -o pid=
./can-forward -p 1234 can0

Note: can-forward does currently not support looking up PID of Kubernetes pods.

Kanto Auto Deployer

Automatically deploys containers to the Kanto Container Management based on deployment descriptors from a given path. All deployment descriptors in the manifests folder will be deployed (created and started) on startup of the service.

Usage as a cli tool


root@qemux86-64:~# kanto-auto-deployer --help
  kanto-auto-deployer [PATH TO MANIFESTS FOLDER]


# Use container manifests from current working directory
/var/containers/manifests_dev/ $ kanto-auto-deployer
Reading manifests from [.]
Already exists [cloudconnector]
Already exists [otelcollector]
Already exists [seatservice-example]

# Use container manifests from specified directory
~ $ kanto-auto-deployer /var/containers/manifests_dev/
Reading manifests from [/data/var/containers/manifests_dev/]
Already exists [cloudconnector]
Already exists [otelcollector]
Already exists [seatservice-example]

Usage as a systemd service

Systemd service unit is located in /lib/systemd/system/kanto-auto-deployer.service:

Description=Kanto Auto Deployer container-management.service container-management.service


ExecStart=/usr/bin/kanto-auto-deployer /var/containers/manifests

Example output:

root@qemux86-64:/lib/systemd/system# systemctl status kanto-auto-deployer.service 
* kanto-auto-deployer.service - Kanto Auto Deployer
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/kanto-auto-deployer.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: inactive (dead) since Fri 2022-12-09 09:41:42 UTC; 7min ago
    Process: 472 ExecStart=/usr/bin/kanto-auto-deployer /var/containers/manifests (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 472 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Dec 09 09:41:33 qemux86-64 systemd[1]: Started Kanto Auto Deployer.
Dec 09 09:41:33 qemux86-64 kanto-auto-deployer[472]: Creating [databroker]
Dec 09 09:41:41 qemux86-64 kanto-auto-deployer[472]: Created [databroker]
Dec 09 09:41:41 qemux86-64 kanto-auto-deployer[472]: Starting [databroker]
Dec 09 09:41:42 qemux86-64 kanto-auto-deployer[472]: Started [databroker]
Dec 09 09:41:42 qemux86-64 systemd[1]: kanto-auto-deployer.service: Deactivated successfully.




Keyboard commands:

  • Arrow keys Up and Down to select a container
  • Arrow keys Left and Right to select a column
  • Enter to change the sort ordering of the currently selected column
  • S to start the selected container which is currently not running
  • P to stop the selected container
  • R to remove a container
  • L to show the log output of a container
  • Q to quit kantui

Note: The mouse can be used to select ui items.


kantui 0.1.0
A TUI for Kanto CM that allows easier management of deployed containers. Requires root.

    kantui [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                 Print help information
    -s, --socket <SOCKET>      Set the path to the kanto-cm UNIX socket [default:
    -t, --timeout <TIMEOUT>    Time before sending a SIGKILL after a SIGTERM to a container
                               (seconds) [default: 5]
    -V, --version              Print version information

SDV Message of the Day

The sdv-motd script provides an alternative motd profile, which displays some additional information after login.

Example output:

Eclipse Leda Message Of The Day

Execute Arbitary Commands in Containers

The sdv-ctr-exec wrapper allows to execute arbitrary user commands in existing containers. Kanto Container Management cli tool (kanto-cm) only allows to manage the lifecycle of a container, but does not allow to specify or override the entrypoint or command definitions of an existing container. The ctr command line tool of containerd allows the execution of additional tasks in a running container.

As a convenient tool, sdv-ctr-exec allows the simple execution of arbitrary commands inside of containers. This is especially useful for non-service-containers, or containers which have additional binaries (e.g. cli tools) embedded.


root@qemux86-64:~# sdv-ctr-exec 
/usr/bin/sdv-ctr-exec -h to print this message

/usr/bin/sdv-ctr-exec <container-id> <command>
/usr/bin/sdv-ctr-exec -n <container-name> <command>


# Note: Both options are equivalent
# Executing a containerized cli tool using ctr
ctr --namespace kanto-cm image pull
ctr --namespace kanto-cm container create --net-host --tty kuksa-client
ctr --namespace kanto-cm tasks start --detach kuksa-client
ctr --namespace kanto-cm tasks exec --tty --exec-id sometask kuksa-client /kuksa-client/bin/kuksa-client --port 30555 --protocol grpc --insecure

# Executing a containerized cli tool using sdv-ctr-exec
# will only work with kuksa-client tags <= 0.3.0
kanto-cm create --i --t --network=host --name=kuksa-client
kanto-cm start --name=kuksa-client
sdv-ctr-exec -n kuksa-client /kuksa-client/bin/kuksa-client --port 30555 --protocol grpc --insecure

Manage the Kanto Container Management configuration via CLI

sdv-kanto-ctl is a convenience shell utility to manage the Container Manager configuration file.

  • Add and remove container registries (for authentication purposes)
  • Set primitive values in configuration
  • Restart container-management.service on configuration changes
  • Automatically back up configuration file
  • Display changes to user

Synopsis: ./sdv-kanto-ctl <command> [<options>]

Full help:

$ ./sdv-kanto-ctl --help
Eclipse Kanto Container Manager Configuration Utility
Usage: ./sdv-kanto-ctl <command> {options}
        add-registry -h <hostname> -u <username> -p <password>
                Adds or replaces a container registry authentication configuration
                -h or --hostname: Configure the hostname of the container registry (e.g.,, ...)
                -u or --username: Configure the username
                -p or --password: Configure the password
        remove-registry -h <hostname>
                Removes the specified container registry
                -h or --hostname: The hostname of the container registry
                Removes all configured container registries
                Prints all configured container registries
                Print the container management configuration
        set <key> <value>
                Set a primitive configuration value. Key in JSON Dot-Notation
                Examples: ./sdv-kanto-ctl set containers.registry_configurations.MyRegistry.credentials.password foobar
                          ./sdv-kanto-ctl set things.enable true
        --no-reload : Do not reload the configuration and restart the container-management service automatically
        --ansi : Don't use colored output.
        --verbose | -v : Enable verbose mode.
        --help : This message.

Requirements and installation

The utilities are pre-installed on Eclipse Leda Quickstart distros in the SDV Full Image partition.

Building and manual installation

To install the shell scripts:

  • Install bash
  • Copy the scripts to the device, e.g. to /usr/bin/ or to your user's home directory
  • Ensure executable bit: chmod a+x sdv-*

To build the binary utilities (e.g. kantui and kanto-auto-deployer)

  • Install Rust
  • Build the sources with cargo

To install the binary utilities via Debian packages:

  • Download the Debian packages from the GitHub Releases page
  • Copy the packages to the target device
  • Install via apt-get install <file>

Note: The Debian packages are built specifically for Leda, and may not be compatible with other Linux distros. As long as there are minimum dependencies, they may be installable on recent Debian or Ubuntu releases.



Visual Studio DevContainer Setup

  • Clone the repository into Visual Studio (F1 -> Remote-Containers: Clone repository into volume)
  • Provide the git repository url.

Building rust utilities

  • Install Rust
  • Switch to the respective source folder in src/rust/<component>
  • Run cargo test

Running shell tests

To run shell tests:


The tests use the BATS framework and Docker to perform some rudimentary test scenarios on the shell scripts.

License and Copyright

Please see LICENSE


Convenience scripts for Eclipse Leda quickstart tutorials



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No packages published


  • Rust 49.1%
  • Shell 48.7%
  • Dockerfile 2.2%