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Recreate audio and decodable/custom_sound examples from `bevy_aud…
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'nuff said. 😆
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SolarLiner authored May 24, 2024
2 parents 93e56f1 + fd0f1ab commit 81b696a
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11 changes: 1 addition & 10 deletions Cargo.lock

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32 changes: 31 additions & 1 deletion Cargo.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,37 @@ default-features = false
features = ["bevy_asset"]

bevy = "0.13"
ringbuf = "0.3.3"

version = "0.13.0"
default-features = false
features = [
# Copied from bevy with "bevy_audio" removed

default = []
Expand Down
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions examples/
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
use bevy::prelude::*;

use bevy_kira_components::prelude::*;

fn main() {
.add_plugins((DefaultPlugins, AudioPlugin))
.add_systems(Startup, setup)

fn setup(asset_server: Res<AssetServer>, mut commands: Commands) {
commands.spawn(AudioFileBundle {
source: asset_server.load("Windless Slopes.ogg"),
297 changes: 297 additions & 0 deletions examples/
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@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
//! # Custom audio sources
//! ## A solemn forewarning
//! Hark, ye who tread the path of the auditory arts, heed this scroll's solemn words, for they
//! unveil the treacherous pitfalls lurking within the realm of audio programming. As you embark on
//! your quest to weave procedural sound effects into the tapestry of existence, beware the siren
//! song of complexity that ensnares the unwary programmer. Beneath the guise of enchanting harmonies
//! lies the labyrinthine maze of real-time programming, where even the most seasoned minstrels may
//! lose themselves amidst the tangled webs of treacherous ways.
//! Venture forth with vigilance, for in the realm of audio programming lies the challenge of
//! minimizing allocations. Beware the temptation to squander precious resources in the pursuit of
//! convenience, for each unnecessary allocation is a shackle binding thy creations to the
//! dreaded behemoth of thread scheduling. Strive instead to compose thy code with the elegance
//! of a virtuoso, orchestrating symphonies that sing with the clarity of unburdened thread
//! execution.
//! As you seek to craft your incantations that transcend the limitations of earthly constraints,
//! embrace the art of wait-free and lock-free programming. Let not thy magic be marred by the
//! discord of contention and delay, but instead, harmonize thy algorithms with the rhythm of
//! seamless execution. With patience and precision, mayhaps ye shall unlock the secrets of audio
//! programming's true potential, weaving melodies that echo through the ages.
//! Finally, let not thy pride blind thee to the wisdom of collaboration, for in unity lies strength.
//! Though the solitary path may seem enticing, remember that no bard is an island unto themselves.
//! Seek counsel from fellow travelers versed in the arcane arts of memory management and concurrency
//! control, and together, mayhaps ye shall compose masterpieces that resound with the echoes of
//! eternity.
//! Behold, for a tome of further wisdom awaits your perusal [here]. Inscribe these words upon your
//! heart, and let them kindle the fires of resilience within. Tread this path at your own rhythm,
//! for it is not the speed of the journey, but the steadfastness of purpose that shall empower thee.
//! [here]:
//! # Implementing a custom sound
//! ## Audio generation
//! The most basic custom audio source implementation is to simply implement [`Sound`], which
//! is where the actual audio generation will happen. Every time this function gets called, a new
//! pair of stereo audio samples (called a `Frame` in Kira) is generated, which corresponds to
//! the position of the speaker cone at that instant. Much like physics, for example, sound is
//! computed at regular intervals, though much faster than physics, since it usually runs at
//! around 44-48 kHz. Each sample, then, only represent a few microseconds of time.
//! ## Control
//! To be useful in the vast majority of cases, you'll want your sound generation to be
//! controllable from the outside world (i.e. the ECS). This is where things get tricky, because a
//! lot of solutions that exist for inter-thread communications (i.e. channels, mutexes, etc.) are
//! invalid within the realm of real-time programming. Instead, the most common solution is to
//! send events or commands through a fixed-size ring buffer.
//! This is the solution used within Kira, and here below. the various setter methods that you
//! will implement will not directly change the value in the [`Sound`] implementation, but
//! instead create a command indicating the change, to be sent to the audio thread through the
//! ring-buffer.
//! Then, on the audio side, within the [`Sound`] implementation, the ring-buffer is consumed for
//! any sent commands to be applied. You can easily send raw values, as well as Kira modulators
//! and tweens, and Kira provides a [`Parameter`] struct which seamlessly integrates with those,
//! in such a way that you only have to consume the events and pass the values to the parameter.
//! To clearly mark the separation of concerns, as well as the ownership of each half by
//! different threads, the audio processing-side type (here [`SineWaveSound`]) and the ECS-side
//! type (here [`SineWaveHandle`]) are separate, and only require access to their half of the
//! ring-buffer (which, here, is seen as a single-producer, single-consumer queue). The handle
//! pushes commands (here of type [`SineWaveCommand`]) into the ring-buffer, and the sound pulls
//! from it and applies the commands.
//! Note that there is nothing to implement for the handle, as it is entirely dependent on the
//! applicable parameters and
//! Most of the code of the handle is to provide a nice user-facing API, which hides the
//! ring-buffer as an implementation detail.
//! ## Data
//! In order to be constructed, you'll most probably require your user to provide initial
//! value, data (such as audio data from samples), as well as settings related to routing the audio
//! to a track or to a spatial scene. This "settings type" should implement [`SoundData`], whose
//! only job is to construct the [`Sound`] and its associated handle, so that Kira knows how to
//! work with your custom sound implementation. This type is not going to be used by end-users,
//! it's only the middle step in bridging the ECS and the audio engine.
//! ## Settings
//! TODO: Writing this triggered some existential crisis over the API 😵‍💫
//! ## Usage in the ECS
//! TODO: Writing this triggered some existential crisis over the API 😵‍💫
use std::convert::Infallible;
use std::f32::consts::TAU;

use bevy::prelude::*;
use kira::manager::error::PlaySoundError;
use kira::sound::{Sound, SoundData};
use kira::tween::{Parameter, Tween, Value};
use ringbuf::{HeapConsumer, HeapProducer, HeapRb};

use bevy_kira_components::prelude::*;
// TODO: ambiguity is with bevy which still exposes `struct AudioSource` even when the `bevy_audio`
// feature is off. We'll have to break the monolithic `bevy` import anyway, so this will be solved
// then.
use bevy_kira_components::prelude::AudioSource;

fn main() {
// The audio source plugin is generic over audio sources; use it to register systems
// that will manage your custom audio source for you.
.add_systems(Startup, setup)

fn setup(mut commands: Commands, mut assets: ResMut<Assets<SineWave>>) {
use bevy_kira_components::sources::AudioBundle;
let handle = assets.add(SineWave);

// The `AudioBundle` is also generic over the sound source. You're probably already using it
// through the `AudioFileBundle` alias for audio files.
commands.spawn(AudioBundle {
source: handle,
settings: SineWaveSettings { frequency: 440.0 },

/// Enum for commands the Handle (controlled within Bevy systems) can send to the sound (in the
/// audio thread).
/// This is necessary because we cannot directly control the sound from bevy (due to them being in
/// different threads). Several techniques for inter-thread communications exist, all with their
/// advantages and drawbacks. It is also necessary that those methods do not allocate or require
/// locking on the audio thread, as this would cause glitches.
/// In this particular case we are using message passing, sending commands from other threads to
/// this one by way of a command enum (this one), sending them in a ring-buffer so that neither the
/// audio thread nor the sending thread has to wait on each other.
enum SineWaveCommand {
/// Set the frequency to a new value. It will use the provided `Tween` to transition from the
/// old value to t:his one.
SetFrequency(Value<f32>, Tween),

/// Implementation of [`Sound`] that generates a sine wave at the given frequency.
struct SineWaveSound {
/// Output destination. This tells kira where to route the audio data that the output of our
/// `Sound` implementation
output: kira::OutputDestination,
/// Commands receiver (aka. a consumer) of commands sent from other threads
commands: HeapConsumer<SineWaveCommand>,
/// Sine wave frequency (in Hz). Reuses `kira`'s [`Parameter`] struct to provide
/// click-free changes and ability to provide modulations.
frequency: Parameter<f32>,
/// Internal phase of the sine wave. We keep track of the phase instead of the time, as this
/// allows to modulate the frequency without glitches.
phase: f32,

impl Sound for SineWaveSound {
fn output_destination(&mut self) -> kira::OutputDestination {

fn process(
&mut self,
dt: f64,
clock_info_provider: &kira::clock::clock_info::ClockInfoProvider,
modulator_value_provider: &kira::modulator::value_provider::ModulatorValueProvider,
) -> kira::Frame {
// Receive and perform commands
while let Some(command) = self.commands.pop() {
match command {
SineWaveCommand::SetFrequency(freq, tween) => self.frequency.set(freq, tween),

// Compute next sample of the sine wave
.update(dt, clock_info_provider, modulator_value_provider);
let step = self.frequency.value() * dt as f32;
self.phase += step;
if self.phase > 1. {
self.phase -= 1.;
// 24 dB = 8x reduction to not blast the user's speakers (and ears)
let sample = 0.125 * f32::sin(TAU * self.phase);

// Return the new stereo sample
kira::Frame {
left: sample,
right: sample,

fn finished(&self) -> bool {

impl SineWaveSound {
/// Create a new [`SineWaveSound`] with the provided command buffer and frequency
fn new(
commands: HeapConsumer<SineWaveCommand>,
output: kira::OutputDestination,
initial_frequency: f32,
) -> Self {
Self {
frequency: Parameter::new(Value::Fixed(initial_frequency), initial_frequency),
phase: 0.,

/// Handle for sine wave sounds. Allows setting the frequency.
pub struct SineWaveHandle {
commands: HeapProducer<SineWaveCommand>,

impl SineWaveHandle {
pub fn set_frequency(&mut self, frequency: impl Into<Value<f32>>, tween: Tween) {
if self.commands.is_full() {
error!("maximum number of in-flight commands reached, cannot add any more");
.push(SineWaveCommand::SetFrequency(frequency.into(), tween))

/// Data and settings for the sine wave sound.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Asset, TypePath)]
struct SineWaveData {
/// Output destination, for consumption by the sound in `kira`
output_destination: kira::OutputDestination,
/// Initial frequency of the sine wave at creation
intial_frequency: f32,

impl SoundData for SineWaveData {
type Error = Infallible;

type Handle = SineWaveHandle;

fn into_sound(self) -> Result<(Box<dyn Sound>, Self::Handle), Self::Error> {
let (producer, consumer) = HeapRb::new(16).split();
let sound = Box::new(SineWaveSound::new(
let handle = SineWaveHandle { commands: producer };
Ok((sound, handle))

#[derive(Debug, Default, Component)]
pub struct SineWaveSettings {
pub frequency: f32,

/// Bevy asset for sine waves. Contains no data as the frequency is provided as a setting instead.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default, Asset, TypePath)]
pub struct SineWave;

impl AudioSource for SineWave {
type Error = PlaySoundError<Infallible>;

type Handle = SineWaveHandle;

type Settings = SineWaveSettings;

fn create_handle(
manager: &mut kira::manager::AudioManager<AudioBackend>,
settings: &Self::Settings,
output_destination: kira::OutputDestination,
) -> Result<Self::Handle, Self::Error> { {
intial_frequency: settings.frequency,

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