A fork of the IRCmasher IRC bot project by by Ralf Oechsner and Volker Latainski.
The original intent of this bot was to create a lightweight, easy to deploy IRC bot that didn't rely on a database. However, it's always nice to have options, so feel free to extend this to use one.
Drop the source files in to an accessible path on your web server and visit index.php. You should protect this script with a password or something otherwise anyone who visits will be able to launch your IRC bot. See your web server's manual for more information!
Alternatively, you can run this from the command-line (DOS-Prompt, Shell, ect.).
This requires PHP with CLI-Support! (See Using PHP from the command line)
(You may want to set debug_output_html
to Off
in the config file if you do this.)
Edit the values in the config file.
You can extend the functionality of your IRCsmasher by adding modules to it's modules
All modules placed in the directory are automatically loaded and run at run time.
To create a new module see modules/basic.php as an example.
IRCsmasher comes with 5 modules installed out of the box:
- Admin - Allows users with the bot admin password to have bot perform common tasks like joining channels or kicking users
- Ai - Causes the bot to say key phrases based on pre-specified keywords.
- Basic - Standard features like getting the time/date and the bot's uptime.
- Nico Nico Link Preview - Displays the title, length & number of views for nico nico videos linked in messages
- Peak - Logs / displays the peak number of users the bot has observed in a channel
Below are some examples of commands you can run out of the box.
NOTE: It is highly recommended that you private message the bot directly to perform administrative tasks - but you can also perform them by messaging any channel the bot is in.
//AI module
!mute <bot_password> (mute AI module)
!unmute <bot_password> (unmute AI module)
//Admin commands
giveop <bot_password> <target_channel> <target_user> (give chan-op status)
takeop <bot_password> <target_channel> <target_user> (take chan-op status)
give voice <bot_password> <target_channel> <target_user> (voice a user)
dvoice <bot_password> <target_channel> <target_user> (de-voice a user)
join <bot_password> <target_channel> (have bot join the specified channel)
kick <bot_password> <target_channel> <target_user> (kick a user from channel)
say <user_or_channel> <bot_password> <your_message> (Have the bot say something to a user or channel)
go to bed <bots_nick> <bot_password> (shutdown the bot)
//Common triggers...
!time (display the bot's current time)
!date (display the bot's current date)
!uptime (returns the bot's uptime)
!peak (returns the peak number of users and when it occurred for a given channel)
Questions? Bugs? Suggestions or comments? Feel free to jump in and create issues or pull requests!