Simple laboratory organizer with multiples features:
- Laboratory builder and elegant presentation
- Multi-laboratory management
- Reservation system
- Solution Calculator
- Procedures management
- Object limit notifications
- Internationalization
Documentation will be available in read the docs
Clone this repository
$ git clone
$ cd organilab
Create a virtualenv
$ mkdir -p ~/entornos/
$ python -m venv ~/entornos/organilab
$ source ~/entornos/organilab/bin/activate
Note: If you are using a python 3.* or greater version you need to execute the following command instead.
$ python3 -m venv ~/entornos/organilab
Install requirements
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Check your database configuration and sync your models
$ make database_config
Could be required to call python loaddata initial_data.json
Create a superuser for admin views
$ python createsuperuser
$ python shell
$ from auth_and_perms.models import Profile
$ from django.contrib.auth.models import User
$ user = User.objects.get(username=#USERNAME#)
$ profile = Profile.objects.create(user=user)
$ ctrl + z
Run your development server
$ python runserver
Create translations
$ django-admin makemessages --all --no-location --no-obsolete
Create javascript translations
$ django-admin makemessages -d djangojs -l es --ignore *.min.js
Compile translations
$ django-admin compilemessages --locale es
Create your image organilab
docker build -f docker/Dockerfile -t solvosoft/organilab .
Run with bind mount folder to sync with changes without rebuild image:
docker run -it --name organilab -p 80:80 -p 8000:8000 \
-v `pwd`/src/:/organilab --env DBHOST=YOUR_PG_HOST \
Enter to the container:
docker run -it organilab python runserver
And finally each change you make in your local files will restart the environment in order to apply them.
Run all selenium test is too slow, so you maybe want to generate a gif of your test.
First create a docker image:
make build_docker_selenium
Run your test, please note that quotes ("") are required on the command before run=.
make run_docker_selenium run="python test --no-input --tag=selenium laboratory.tests.selenium_tests.manage_organizations.test_laboratory_tab"