Api to exchange measurements and curves information
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- You must have at least
python 3.8
. You can get this python version through pyenv. - You should have installed pipenv.
- You should have a
machine. Windows is not supported and we are not thinking in it. - An
installation. - Optionally, an user with sudo permissions.
# Clone the application
git clone git@github.com:Som-Energia/infoenergia-api.git .
# Change directory to the application folder
cd infoenergia-api
# Install pipenv
pip install --user pipenv
# Create a virtual environment for Python 3.8, 3.9 or 3.10
pipenv --python 3.8
# Install setuptools, for Python 3.8 or Python 3.9 only
pipenv run pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall setuptools
# Install application dev dependencies
pipenv install --dev
# Clear cache lock file for troubleshooting dependencies
pipenv lock --pre --clear
# Create the application environment file
cp .env.example .env
You can use a docker image:
docker run redis
or install at operating system level:
sudo apt install redis-server
Edit the .env
- Note: Somenergia's credentials can be found in our private documentation.
- Configure
pointing to your ERP instance - Configure
pointing to your Mongo instance - Configure
pointing to your erp database - If the
"server" starts with http instead of https, set:Otherwise, set itTRANSPORT_POOL_CONF={"secure": false}
{"secure": true}
- Configure
(if you are using local redis) - Point the
to an existing local directory to store the database file - Given Beedata API credentials:
- Move certificate files locally and update
accordingly - Edit
to the provided access parameters.
- Move certificate files locally and update
Setup test data (Requires VPN access):
# From the root infoenergia-api repository directory.
git clone git@gitlab.somenergia.coop:IT/it-docs.git -o testdata
git clone git@gitlab.somenergia.coop:IT/somenergia-back2backdata.git
cd infoenergia-api/
ln -s ../somenergia-back2backdata/infoenergia-api/testdata
cd tests
ln -s ../../testdata/b2bs/json4test.yaml
cd ..
Then just:
pipenv run pytest
pipenv install package # Use --dev for development dependencies
pipenv lock # To upgrade all versions, add --keep-lock to just add the new deps
- Determine the nes semantic version
- Update version at
- Update changelog at
- Commit with "bump to vM.m.r"
- Tag the commit with
First choose a directory where you want to install the api. We recommend install under /opt
directory. This guide will use it as base directory installation
After that, clone repository from github:
user@host:> sudo mkdir -p /opt/infoenergia-api
user@host:> sudo chown user:user /opt/infoenergia-api
user@host:> cd /opt/infoenergia-api
user@host:> git clone git@github.com:Som-Energia/infoenergia-api.git .
Once code is downladed install requirements:
user@host:> pipenv install
With all requirements installed, it's time to configure our api. Copy .env.example
to .env
and with your favorite editor adapt it with the credentials and name that you will use
user@host:> cp .env.example .env
user@host:> vim .env
You can simply execute pipenv run python run.py
and the api will be ready to accept requests
Take a look to CHANGES.md to see the historic of changes that has had this awesome api 🎉
If you want to contact with us, feel free to send an email to info@somenergia.coop.
This project uses the following license: GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.