EduHub is an open-source Learning Management System (LMS).
Subject to change, still need install stuff for database.
- Install PHP
- Install Composer
- Install Node and NPM
- Install MySQL
Deployed on Azure:
Note: A .env file is needed to run the app. Contact admin for more details.
Run the following code.
cd src
php artisan serve
- Run composer install in terminal
- Rename .env.example to .env
- In .env, change DB password (line 27)
- In MySQL Workbench, create a database named eduhub_db
- Run php artisan migrate in terminal
- Run php artisan key:generate in terminal
- Run php artisan storage:link in terminal
- Run php artisan migrate:fresh --seed in terminal
- Run php artisan storage:link in terminal
- Run php artisan optimize in terminal
- Run npm install in terminal
- Run npm run dev in terminal
- Open another terminal, run php artisan serve
- Run php artisan migrate:fresh --seed in terminal if you want to delete all records and seed with default records
- Run php artisan db:seed if you want to seed with default records but not lose previous records (might have conflicts)
- Admin
- Username:
- Password: password
- Professor
- Username:
- Password: password
- Student
- Username:
- Password: password