This is a mono repository with a few different projects
- Sonneville.AssessorsAdapter: An application to parse the Iowa Polk County Assessor's site for real estate data.
- Sonneville.Investing: A library with some basic domain objects for applications interested in managing financial investments. A command line interface (CLI) is also available, see the Sonneville.Fidelity.Shell project in this repository.
- Various libraries for facilitating the above
Documentation to be updated later.
- MSBuild: None! - Please see the feature backlog if you'd like to contribute a CI configuration for this project.
- Mono: None! - Please see the feature backlog if you'd like to contribute a CI configuration for this project.
This project requires a PostgreSQL database with the specified connection details. To use Docker for Postgres/pgAdmin, run the following command(s):
PosgreSQL: docker run --name=Sonneville-Investing-Postgres -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pwd -e POSTGRES_DB=investing -p 6543:5432 -d postgres:9.6
pgAdmin 4: docker run --name=Sonneville-Investing-pgAdmin -e PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL=postgres -e PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=pwd -p 8080:80 -d dpage/pgadmin4
The demo app will use the specified credentials to log into the website. Once logged in, it will print to the console some basic account info as well as the most recent transactions.
- Compile the solution and run Sonneville.FidelityWebDriver.Demo.exe, typing
at the prompt, including any of the below parameters:
-u, --username=VALUE the username to use when logging into Fidelity.
-p, --password=VALUE the password to use when logging into Fidelity.
-s, --save indicates options should be persisted to demo.ini file.
-h, --help shows this message and exits.
If the --save
argument is given, settings are stored to FidelityWebDriver.Demo.json
allowing future demo executions to omit the -u
and -p
parameters. NOTE: This is intended purely as a convenience and is not a secure storage mechanism. Please consider the risks.
This project includes a library (Sonneville.Fidelity.WebDriver) as a wrapper around the Selenium WebDriver. This library is used to perform semantic interaction with the Fidelity website.
To use the FidelityWebDriver library, identify the IManager implementation which provides the functionality you'd like to consume. Instantiate the manager and required classes using your choice of IWebDriver implementation. An IOC library like Ninject is recommended.
Available managers | Description |
Login Manager | manages login state for the website |
Positions Manager | retrieves current positions |
Transactions Manager | retrieves previous transactions |
This project should always be functional if built from the master branch. Logging is achieved via Apache log4net. Log files for the demo app can be retrieved from the following location:
Platform | Location |
Windows | %LocalAppData%\John Sonneville\Fidelity Shell\ |
Mac/Linux | ~/.local/share/John\ Sonneville/Fidelity Shell/ |
Thanks for using this product! Please create an issue with any bugs!