Projectree is an open-source tool that helps you create and showcase your projects lists without the hassle of building it yourself. Just add your project details, choose a theme, and generate!
- /auth/register: User can register and sends user a verification token.
- /auth/login: User can log in with the right information.
- /projectree: User can create a projectree
- /projectree/{projectree_id}: User can view a projectree by ID
- delete-projectree/{projectree_id}/: User can delete a projectree by ID
- /update-projectree/{projectree_id}/: User can update a projectree by ID
- /get-user-projectree: User can get all projectree for a user
- /project: User can create a project
- /delete-projectr/{projectr_id}/: User can delete a project by ID
- /delete-project/{project_id}/: User can delete a project by ID
- /publish-projectree/{projectree_id}: User can publish the projectree by sending the ID
- /view-publish/{publish_name}: User can view the publish project by sending the name.
The full API documentation is available here:
- Clone the repository and run:
git clone
- Install all dependencies by running the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- To run the server locally, run the following command:
python runserver
Add your changes to the codebase
Add a secret key to your local .env file and use a local database connection to test your changes locally.
Create a new branch with your github username as the name of branch. E.g:
git checkout -b Sophyia7
- Lastly, push your changes to the branch and create a pull request.
Happy coding!