This repo contains some basic java knowledge, with code and explanation. this was created at the time of my Java practice and learning.
Arrange in my way of understanding if find help full then use it.
Tutorial ->their are Notes on basic concept on java with Code material.
PROBLEMs ->In normally there Some problem solution of some question using Java.
Assuming you have knowledge Basic coding knowledge
- scanner class uses for input
- System.out.print() statement uses for output
- variable declaration {int, float, double, char, String, boolean}
- array declaration.
- array operation/methods
- Type of Array traversal
- other language like this also have function that called as methods
returnType Name (params){//code}
void Name(){}
- Type of methods
- VarArgs
- Methods Overloading
- Declaration
- Declaration
- Constructor overloading
- Go through "Theory_in_java.txt"
- what is
- Type of inheritance
- Method Overriding
-Deceleration -why use
- Uses
- What is
- Deceleration
- Use
- Method Overriding
- create
- run
- methods
- For theory Go through "Theory_in_java.txt"[Error & Exception handling]
- Try catch block
- Finally block
- Custom Exception create
- file create
- file read
- file write
- file delete
-- Go through "Theory_in_java.txt"[Packages]
- What is
- How to create
- How to use
- ArrayList declaration.
- ArrayList operation/methods
- Type of ArrayList traversal
- LinkedList declaration.
- LinkedList operation/methods
- Type of LinkedList traversal
- Go through "Theory_in_java.txt"[Collection Framework]
- HashMap declaration.{}
- HashMap operation/methods
- Type of HashMap traversal
- Go through "Theory_in_java.txt"[Date & Time]
- Type of Calender -declaration -operation/methods
- Go through "Theory_in_java.txt"[Annotation]
-Lambda Expressions :
- Go through "Theory_in_java.txt"[Java Docs]