2019 Machine Learning Project
- Fraud Data Detection
2019 Stock Portfolio Management Project
- Correlation Analysis between S&P500 and a few Representative Stocks
2020 Machine Learning Project
- Use of Machine Learning Models for an Imbalanced Data Imputed with SMOTE and ADASYN
2020 Missing Data Analysis
- Comparison of MCMC and Non-MCMC Multiple Imputation Algorithms by Monte Carlo Simulation, Focused on the Effect of Between-Imputation Iteration
2020 Sentimental Analysis Project
- Use of Machine Learning Models for Sentimental Analysis (Logistic Regression, Support Decision Tree, SVM, and Random Forest)
2021 Imbalanced Text Classification with Transfer Learning
- Use of Transfer Learning Models for Imbalanced Text Classification (Glove, Faker, ULMFiT)
--To be updated--
- 2020 Bayesian Logistic Regression Analysis