Nagios NCPA plugin to monitor Debian and Ubuntu updates
- Execute the
if you want the plugin installed automatically on the Debian or Ubuntu machine you want to monitor updates. It will automatically create the cron task for theapt update
sudo bash
- Copy the check_debian_updates in the plugin folder of the NCPA agent, chown it to nagios:nagios user and give the execution permission on the script. It can be done in one time with this command
sudo cp /usr/local/ncpa/plugins/ ; sudo chown nagios:nagios /usr/local/ncpa/plugins/ ; sudo chmod +x /usr/local/ncpa/plugins/
- Configure your Nagios server to create a command and a service associated to the server or server groups you want to monitor. Here is an example:
# Command definition
# Debian updates
define command {
command_name check_ncpa_debianoffspring_updates
command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -t 'token' -M 'plugins/'
# Service definition for the Linux group machines (use host_name instead of hostgroup_name if you have only one host to monitor)
# Debian updates
define service {
use generic-service
hostgroup_name Linux
service_description Debian updates
check_command check_ncpa_debianoffspring_updates
contacts admin
max_check_attempts 3
check_interval 5
retry_interval 1
The plugin will give you OK if there are no updates (or only phased updates in Ubuntu case also), WARNING if there are updates but none of them are security, stable or kernel updates and CRITICAL if at least one update concerns security, stable updates or kernel.