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In a nutshell, Shadows Over Soubar is another large mod made by CBisson, adding many new quests, characters and areas to the game. The player travels to the town of Soubar, where the Bhaalspawn's powers are sorely needed.

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Shadows over Soubar

A Spellhold Studios mod for Baldur's Gate II:ToB, Baldur's Gate Trilogy, BG2:EE and EET

Author: Charles Bisson
Mod Website: Spellhold Studios
Mod Forum: Shadows over Soubar

Read the mod's readme.

Download the mod at Spellhold Studios.



This game mod (modification or module) is created for the BG2:SoA side of a BG2:ToB game (yes, BG2:ToB is required), as many people wouldn't want to go through a whole new game to reach ToB areas just to play this mod. With that in mind, most people who have played BG2 know that one of the plot quests is to save the village/town of Trademeet from evil druids, Calim rakshasa, and the noble bickerings. "Shadows Over Soubar" picks up just after that. However, action in the mod does occur if you do not complete the entire sequence of quests in Trademeet, beginning directly after Imoen is kidnapped by the Cowls and Irenicus.

We know that war is brewing in Tethyr, and that the Sword Coast has experienced troubles since our hero left Candlekeep as a young adventurer. Power groups- the Iron Throne in particular- have been destroyed, and others are quick to grab for their own power. Including such enemies as Yaga-Sura, Melissan, and Irenicus. But there are other less twisted enemies that prey not on heroes, but on the simple folk. Folk who's only crime is that they live in a town where a great leader who met an orcan horde on the field of battle once lived. Farmers, herders, tradesmen, and merchants all are affected by those who claim power over their lives. Now that sounds like a call for help! Which our great hero will answer. To the rescue we go!

So our story begins in Trademeet, where our hero learns that some mysterious men from the north are looking for them. What those men want, we are not sure. But after a time of searching Amn, our great hero finds a sneaky thief who 'employs' us to do some 'work'. After completing the jobs, the sneaky thief will finally tell our hero what needs to be done to move on. And our hero does indeed move on, finding some letters which leads them to the mysterious men. These mysterious men will explain the entire situation, and the hero can accept (continue the mod) or decline to help.

Key features

  • More than 100 new areas, new as well as changed.
  • More than 400 new creatures.
  • 4 new NPCs with their own tasks.
  • More than 400 new items.
  • More than 20 new stores.
  • More than 30 mini quests and 2 major quests.


This mod is designed to work on the following Infinity Engine games: the original Baldur's Gate II (BG2 or just SoA) with the Throne of Bhaal (ToB) expansion, Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition (BG2EE), the conversion projects Baldur's Gate Trilogy (BGT) and Enhanced Edition Trilogy (EET).

Shadows over Soubar is a WeiDU mod, and therefore should be compatible with all WeiDU mods. It is only compatible with BGII: ToB. However, we cannot test every single one. If you encounter any bugs, please report them on the forum!

In case you are using BP-BGT-Worldmap mod, version 13 or later is required.

Classical game players are strongly recommended to download and install the latest version of the BG2 Fixpack before proceeding with the installation of this mod.



If you've previously installed the mod, remove it before extracting the new version. To do this, run setup-sos.exe, un-install all previously installed components and delete the ๐Ÿ“ sos folder.

When installing or un-installing, do not close the DOS window by clicking on the X button! Instead, press the Enter key whenever instructed to do so.

Disable any antivirus or other memory-resident software before installing this or any other mod. Some (particularly avast and Norton!) have a tendency to report false positives with mod activity, resulting in failed installs.

Enhanced Editions Note

The Enhanced Editions are actively supported games. Please note that every patch update will wipe your current mod setup! If in the middle of a modded game you might want to delay the patch update (if possible) as even after reinstalling the mods, you might not be able to continue with your old savegames. Alternatively, copy the whole game's folder into a new one that can be modded and will stay untouched by game patches. It is important that you install the mod to the language version you are playing the game in. Otherwise, the dialogues of the mod will not show but give error messages.


Shadows over Soubar for Windows is distributed as an extractable compressed archive and includes a WeiDU installer.

Extract the contents of the mod archive into the folder of the game you wish to modify (the folder which contains the "CHITIN.KEY" file), using 7zip, WinRAR, or another file compression utility that handles .zip files. On successful extraction, there should be a ๐Ÿ“ sos folder and a setup-sos.exe file in your game folder. To install, simply double-click setup-sos.exe and follow the instructions on screen.

Run setup-sos.exe in your game folder to reinstall, un-install or otherwise change the components settings.

Mac OS X

Shadows over Soubar for Mac OS X is distributed is distributed in the same compressed archive and includes a WeiDU installer.

First, extract the files from the archive into your game directory. On successful extraction, there should be a ๐Ÿ“ sos folder, setup-sos and setup-sos.command files in your game folder. To install, simply double-click setup-sos.command and follow the instructions on screen.

Run setup-sos.command in your game folder to reinstall, un-install or otherwise change the components settings.


Shadows over Soubar for Linux is distributed as a compressed tarball and does not include a WeiDU installer.

Extract the contents of the mod to the folder of the game you wish to modify.

Download the latest version of WeiDU for Linux from and copy WeiDU and WeInstall to /usr/bin. Following that, open a terminal, cd to your game installation directory, run tolower and answer 'Y' to both queries. You can avoid running the second option (linux.ini) if you've already ran it once in the same directory. To save time, the archive is already tolowered, so there's no need to run the first option (lowercasing file names) either if you've extracted only this mod since the last time you lowercased file names. If you're unsure, running tolower and choosing both options is the safe bet.

To install, run WeInstall setup-sos in your game folder. Then run wine BGMain.exe and start playing.

Note for Complete Un-installation

In addition to the methods above for removing individual components, you can completely un-install the mod using setup-sos --uninstall at the command line to remove all components without wading through prompts.


The installer includes the following components. The number of each is the component DESIGNATED number which gives it a fixed install position, lets other components and mods detect it and allows automated installers to specify component choices.
All optional components require the main component (they need to since it's the one that installs new content).

1. Main component

This component installs the mod itself.

2. Alternative Soubar area

We all know that the original Soubar was built by the same construction company as Beregost. This component installs brand new Soubar location created by Cuttooth. This component requires the main component to be installed.

3. Biffing

This component requires the main component to be installed. Compress files for better game performance. Only valid for classic (BG2:ToB or BGT) game.

4. Selence arrives to Waukeens Promenade after the meeting with Gaelan in the slums

This component requires the main component to be installed.

5. Remorhaz walking speed adjustment (for ENGLISH version .EXE ONLY!!!)

This component requires the main component to be installed. It patches BGmain.exe to reduce MBRH moving speed.
โš ๏ธ WARNING! It is only valid for an ENGLISH version, for non-EE games and for non-Mac OS.

Credits and Acknowledgements

Original author: Charles Bisson
Coders: Horred The Plague (WeiDU version), King Diamond (WeiDU revision) and Weigo (EE revision)

Special Acknowledgements to:

  • Spellhold Studios team for hosting the mod (Forums).
  • The creators of the Baldur's Gate series: Bioware and Black Isle Studios.
  • Italian translation: Ilot in collaboration with Mother Anorexia, Hicarus87, Giuseppe, Bhoo the hero.
  • Spanish translation: SirLancelot's Team.
  • Russian translation: team.
  • German translation: Leonardo Watson.
  • Simplified Chinese translation: Lzw104522773.
  • Everyone else from the The Gibberlings Three, Spellhold Studios forums, and the other Infinity Engine gaming and modding communities who offered their help and support.

Programs/Tools used in creation:

Copyright Information

Shadows over Soubar is not developed, supported, or endorsed by BioWareโ„ข or Interplay/BlackIsle, Overhaul, Beamdog or the Wizards of the Coast. It was developed by AUTHOR, based on material from the game Baldur's Gate II and its expansion.
All mod content is ยฉAUTHOR.
Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn and Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal ยฉ TSR, Inc. The BioWare Infinity Engine is ยฉ BioWare Corp. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.
This mod was created to be freely enjoyed by all Baldur's Gate II players, and its content is free of rights. However, it should not be sold, published, compiled or redistributed in any form without the consent of the author.
Please note that any and all redistribution and/or hosting of this mod is prohibited without permission from the author.
If there are any copyright issues or this statement needs revision, then please contact me and advise me what to do about it. Most notably, if you see any artwork in this mod that might conflict with Copyright rules, please let me know as soon as possible, and I will remove the conflicting content immediately.
The modding community for the Infinity Engine has been going strong for more than 10 years now, and is the culmination of thousands of unpaid modding hours by fellow fans of the game. Modders produce their best work and players get the best, well-supported mods when we all work together.
There are two big ways to upset this harmony. One is to claim someone else's work as your own. The second is to host and redistribute a mod without permission from the author(s).
Be kind to your fellow players and modders. Don't do either.

Version History

Version 2.1.2 (July 7, 2024)

  • Restored nightmaps for the alternative Soubar area (by Weigo).

Version 2.1.1 (June 23, 2024)

  • Hotfix for installation issue and CTD when nightmaps are installed for alternative Soubar.

Version 2.1 (May 13, 2024)

By Weigo:

  • Added nightmaps.
  • Added animations to the maps.
  • Fixed graphical glitches.
  • MOS files (EE) has the right size.

By Roberciiik:

  • Support for BP-BGT-Worldmap v13.
  • Removed "(SoS)" tag from the worldmap hints.

By Lzw104522773:

  • Added Simplified Chinese translations.

Version 2.0 (December 06, 2023)

By Roberciiik:

  • Alternative Soubar area from the "World of Baldur's Gate" modification - designed and modeled by Cuttooth, with effects enrichment and ideas by Dradiel, and integrated into the mod by Roberciiik.
  • Biffing is now an optional installation component.
  • Fixed militia training quest when only 9 new guards are trained.
  • Fixed CTDs in AR4261, AR4260, and AR4258 areas.
  • Restored TIS and MOS files of Soubar for oBG2 and Lyrar's Castle TIS for BG2:EE.
  • Fixed a visual bug in Sir William's house (AR1004) in oBG2.
  • Updated the worldmap position of areas for Chionthar, Soubar, and Lyrar's Hold.
  • Corrected automap notes in Soubar and Soubar prison.
  • Traified missing lines (setup, kit name, debug prints).
  • Added missing identified descriptions to some letters.
  • Moved movies to the language directory so the local language version can replace them.
  • Moved some NPC sound files to the language directory - the local language version can now replace them.


  • Introduce immutability and encapsulation.
  • Fix mod uninstallation: now all mod files should be removed from override during uninstallation.
  • Fixed copying of the MVE folder.
  • Uses the %MOD_FOLDER% automatic variable.
  • Uses labels for component requirements statements.
  • Simplified the mod ID where possible.
  • Renamed the mod folder from "SOS" to "SoS" to match the mod name.
  • Renamed "setup-SOS.tp2" to "SoS.tp2".
  • Updated iconv and replaced it with a static build.
  • Updated the readme file to use the latest templates.
  • Updated the metadata file to use the latest template.
  • Change HANDLE_CHARSETS to use from_utf8=1 and adapt *.tra files.
  • Fixed HANDLE_CHARSETS execution on EET.
  • Fixed encoding problems by replacing ลฑ with รป.
  • Updated add_worldmap_tbl.
  • Fixed adding areas to the cheat table.
  • Remove the custom kit.ids fixer and use the latest from BG2Fixpack.
  • Remove additional backup of *.tlk files.
  • Standardize folder names and file extensions.
  • Made cosmetic changes to the readme files.
  • Added 'outdated' suffix to outdated readme files.
  • Replace tabs with spaces.
  • Removed redundant files.

By Weigo:

  • Added sounds from ogg2 (only if they are missing).
  • Changed AR4230(N).mos files for EE and non-EE versions (EE has larger images).
  • Changed tiz format to tbc format.
  • Added a7_tools.tpa by Argent77 for HANDLE_TILECONV function.
  • Added in %MOD_FOLDER%/Tools/Tileconv all tileconv versions.

Version 1.16 (September 28, 2021)

  • Fixed install error for non-English versions: Added needed dlls for iconv.exe.
  • Added inn2616.sto in case it is not existent ingame (BGII:EE).
  • Added install order syntax and globally unique labeling to .ini to support Project Infinity.

Version 1.15 (February 21, 2020)

  • Added sos.ini metadata file to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
  • Added OS control to avoid installing component Remorhaz walking speed adjustment on Mac OS.
  • Added DESIGNATED numbers and "shadows_over_soubar", "sos_selence_at_waukeens_promenade_after_meeting_Gaelan" and "sos_remorhaz_walking_speed_adjustment" component LABELS.
  • Various bugfixes, as listed in the GitHub commits. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • Added README command in tp2.
  • Wrote a new sos-readme-english.html readme file and moved all readme files into a new readme folder.
  • Included Linux and Mac Os X versions in the same package (thanks AL|EN's Infinity Auto Packager tool!).
  • Uploaded mod to the official SpellHold Studios GitHub mirror account.

Version 1.14 (April 13, 2018)

  • EE & EET compatibility, by Weigo & Jastey.
  • So many fixes to be described. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • Updated WeiDU installer to v246.

Version 1.13

  • Fixes and enhancements, by King Diamond.
  • Italian translation: Ilot in collaboration with Mother Anorexia, Hicarus87, Giuseppe, Bhoo the hero (one file).
  • Updated WeiDU installer to v206.

Version 1.12

  • Fixes and enhancements, by King Diamond:
    1. Silence's script updated (DisplayStringHead()'s). Now she starts her default pickpocketing only when the party is nearby.
    2. bAR1105.baf, bRIBALD.baf modified for a better performance.
    3. AR4286.baf restored (known undroppable items will be returned to their owners - for most NPCs).
      AR4361.baf - many Continue()'s added
      AR4330.baf - possible deadlock removed (necessary creatures couldn't be created and Hemp Rope couldn't be found)
      AR4219.baf - restored
      AR4240, AR4242, AR4244, AR4246, AR4251, AR4252, AR4253, AR4254, AR4255, AR4258, AR4259.BAF - spawning method optimized
    4. Continue() issue fix: tAR1100.BAF divided into 2 parts for E_T and E_B
    5. rebelst's forum postfixes:
      • tNALIA.BAF: "Myself" should have no quotes
      • AR4370.BAF: CB300CO[1-2] should be CB4300CO[1-2]
      • CB421012.BAF: CBRJR003, CBRJR016, CBRJR02[2-5] don't exist, lines should be removed
      • CB4300CT.BAF: CB4300AR should be CBBANARC
      • CBBANED.BAF: Refers to DCLERIC, which doesn't have deathvar in BG2, CRE needs to be patched (that code commented - can't find any DCLERIC's relation to SoS content)
      • CBMAYOR2.BAF: Last line, CBSDSO06 should be CBSWDSOU (KD - CBRSSOUB is right dialogue)
      • CB351GD3.D: ARCHER_CALL_SHOT should be SPCL121
      • CBAMNLGS.D: CBAMNL0[1-4] should be CBAMNLG[1-4]
      • CBSHTHIF.D: CBRJR003 and CBRJR016 doesn't exist, lines should be removed
      • CBRRRRAT.CRE: deathvar should be set to CBRRRRAT
      • CB270CC[A-G].CRE: deathvars need to be set to CB270CC[a-g]
      • CBSBTVRB.CRE: deathvar needs to be set to CBSBTVRB
      CBTBGGAL.BAF - BP-ready shouts (123).
    7. Worldmap entries and links revised to introduce more reasonable travel times.
      Cross-link tables for CtB, TDD, RoT added.
      Now Worldmap v6 > is a mandatory component to access SoS areas in any configuration of mods.
      1. Spanish translation by SirLancelot's Team.

Version 1.11

  • Worldmap v6, sounds, by King Diamond:
    • Worldmap v6 > support.
    • Re-mastered sounds.

Version 1.10

  • Fixes, multi-language support, by King Diamond:
    • For all items - 'Unusable by ALL(no kit)' flag usage re-checked.
    • AR0406.ARE - container protected with key requirement now.
    • Several installation script optimizations.
    • Compatibility with upcoming Region Of Terror, v2.0.
    • GUI Switcher v2.0.
    • Traified for multi-language support.

Version 1.0.5

  • Fixes and enhancements, by King Diamond:
    1. LONG_BOW/MAGE_ALL issue fixed. All scrips have MAGE_ALL check now.
    2. 0xE200 MBET CGAMEANIMATIONTYPE_BEETLE_COPPER animation is not used by mod, so its TP2 installation is removed;
      0xEC20 MWI3 CGAMEANIMATIONTYPE_WIGHT3 animation is not used by mod, so its TP2 installation is removed (BAMs).
    3. CBBANDEAD.CRE - animation fixed: IC_LICHBLACK instead of IC_MYCONID2.
    4. Yeti animation is being installed into '0xE060 MLIC IC_LICH' slot (I hope we'll deal with NEJ later... and CtB). Corresponding creature files updated.
    5. Remorhaz animation moved to 0xE230 MBRH IC_BEETLE_RHINOCEROS slot. English version BGmain.exe patch added to reduce MBRH moving speed.
      โš ๏ธ ATTENTION! That could be valid only for an ENGLISH version.
      For other version it's necessary to search for C6 42 06 0A 8B 85 9C FB FF FF C6 40 07 0A and patch both 0A at found offsets with 6 : ------------^^----------------------------^^
    6. Missed sound scheme 2DAs for MBRH and MLIC slots added + all necessary WAVs.
    7. TS compatibility added (several dialogues).
    8. GUI installation is changed into a tricky thing that most ppl will be glad off... ๐Ÿ˜‰

Version 1.0.4

  • Fixes and enhancements, by King Diamond:
    1. INTERDIA.2DA patching was removed completely because none of the joinable NPCs have banter dialogues.
    2. AR4235 is not used: ARE, WED, TIS, MOS, BMPs.
      AR4361 is not used: ARE.
    3. Movie moved to a separate MVE folder/BIFF.
    4. Area AR4232 rebuilt: TIS, MOS, SR.BMP
    5. AR4340.WED, AR4340SR.BMP fixed.
    6. Unused spells (removed):
      CBCL001 - an exact copy of CBRJR008.SPL. Unused CBCL001B,C.BAM. CBCL001.ITM reference changed to CBRJR008.SPL
      spdynah-spvalyg - they are from BP package
    7. CBRJR008.SPL (Beltyn's Burning Blood) was replaced by TDD's SPWI429.SPL; corresponding references updated (CBCL001.ITM, CBRJR008.ITM); SPELL.IDS patch implemented.
    8. SHGRASPS.SPL (Shocking Grasp) usage was replaced by SPWI115.SPL (CBRJR015.ITM).
    9. FENCE kit fixed according to its description. Now ALL races are available for it.
    10. Unused store removed: CB361TPT.STO.
    11. Another Items' revision - many inconsistencies fixed (equipping effects, missed strings, icons); TOOLTIP.2DA patching added.
    12. Unused item CBUHGVCT.ITM removed.
    13. SELENCE NPC installation fixed: Fence kit ID is being set properly now.
    14. CBBRNOIL.SPL recreated - AR4370 proximity trigger script spell (CBBRNOIL.BAF - fixed).
    15. GUILSOP.BAM was removed from the installation.

Version 1.0.3

  • Additions from the BP package.
  • Fixes and enhancements by Horred the Plague:
    1. Unused files removed. Download archive size reduced from 95.9M to 69M.
    2. All AREs revised with DLTCEP, and their file structure was rearranged and fixed. Many missed info triggers and automap pointers text patching added, Beregost taverns ambients removed to reflect Soubar environments.
    3. Missed ambient sounds added (OGG3 directory); some missed scripts and BAMs re included.
    4. Solved all possible area compatibility issues. AR4300 -> AR4370 with all corresponding resources, script/dialogues links, TIS and WED fixed (there was a real MESS with it!)
    5. All ITMs revised; numerous bugs fixed: 0 weapon proficiencies, invalid or absent icons/BAMs, wrong stats, incomplete descriptions; total upgrade of usability settings. Now all items match their descriptions. In combination with BDash-WeiDU text fix all descriptions will be 99%-complete.
    6. STOres revised and many incorrect rumors dialogues links fixed, strings patches added.
    7. All dialogues revised: empty blocks removed, several invalid external references fixed. The whole bunch of dialogues is getting compiled by one COMPILE command now as it should be to produce valid cross-references.
    8. Scripts revised: several missed patches for journal entries added.
    9. Patching of all BG2 original resources converted to "WeiDU-only" that makes it 100% compatible with any other mod around.
    10. The journal system was revised and rearranged for a single .tra using (both scripts and dialogues) to unify the journal strings for correct entries' adding/removing.
    11. Several BG1-side strings are fixed because many SoS creatures use them in their soundsets. Patch is taken from BGT-WeiDU.
    12. Great main screen logo for SoS taken from Yovaneth's fixpack as well as some fixes checked and implemented (except "G3 Identify All" one). For more info visit this.
    13. Installation script (TP2 and BATs) optimized, some errors fixed (f.e. it biffed everything, including AR0072.tis that should remain in \override).
    14. Unused WAVs removed from ALORA, KIVAN and ELDOTH soundsets. The creatures that use them are not joinable NPCs, so they won't use any sound beside 01,03,07,11,17-19,38,39.
    15. Missed FLAMN and several other (for creatures soundsets) WAVs added.

Version 1.0.2

  • Revision by King Diamond.
  • Logo screen by Yovaneth.

Version 1.0.1

  • WeiDU version (Horred The Plague).

Version 1.0.0

  • Initial release (Charles Bisson).


In a nutshell, Shadows Over Soubar is another large mod made by CBisson, adding many new quests, characters and areas to the game. The player travels to the town of Soubar, where the Bhaalspawn's powers are sorely needed.







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