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Development Setup

madoar edited this page Nov 22, 2017 · 1 revision

Development Setup

Installation Requirements

To develop on the lending system for Darmstadt Spielt, you'll require some additional software:

  • Git
  • a Java 8 installation
  • Maven 3, most IDEs already come packaged with maven. Therefore maven is only required if you want to run the tests or build the application without an additional IDE

Installation steps

To setup your development environment please start by cloning or forking this repository. Afterwards the installation of the your development environment depends on your used IDE:


  1. Before importing the lending project into eclipse you'll need to install some plugins from the marketplace. These plugins are:

    • JBoss Tools
    • Scala IDE
  2. In addition you'll need to install an additional plugin via a download source (Help -> Install New Software):

  3. Next you'll need to import the lending project in eclipse. This can be done by selecting File -> Import .... In the opened dialog you'll need to select Maven -> Existing Maven Projects. There, please select your cloned git repository. After importing the lending project and its child projects you'll be asked to add the two build-helper plugins: build-helper-maven-plugin:x.x.x:add-source and build-helper-maven-plugin:x.x.x:add-test-source.

Run the tests

To run the tests right click on the lending parent project and select Run as -> Maven test

Build the jar and ejb/war/ear archives

To build the jar client and the server war and ear archives right click on the lending parent project and select Run as -> Maven build, where you'll need to set clean package as the goal.


In IntelliJ you can import the lending project by selecting File -> Open. In the then opened dialog you need to select the cloned lending repository folder and press ok.

Run the tests

To run the tests open the terminal tab in the bottom part of IntelliJ and enter mvn clean test inside.

Build the jar and ejb/war/ear archives

To build the jar client and the server war and ear archives open the terminal tab in the bottom part of IntelliJ and enter mvn clean package inside.


Open a terminal

Run the tests

To run the tests enter mvn clean test inside the terminal.

Build the jar and ejb/war/ear archives

To build the jar client and the server war and ear archives enter mvn clean package inside the terminal.