Expression Solver is a C++ program that solves algebraic expressions.
// new exp solver
exp_solver::ExpSoler exp;
// calculate simple expression
auto output = exp.SolveExp("1+1") // will be 2
// symbol like python,
// see
// Calculate basic expressions using symbols '+', '-', '*', '/', '//', '**', '%',
// bit operator '|', '&', '^', '<<', '>>',
// brackets '(', ')' and numbers
// priority high to low: { "**" }, { "~" }, { "*", "/", "//", "%" }, { "+", "-" },
// { "<<", ">>" }, { "&" }, { "^" }, { "|" }
output = exp.SolveExp("1+((2-3*4)/5)**6%4") // will be 1
// Maintain values in fractions until non-fractions break in
output = exp.SolveExp("0.5+1/3") // will be 0.833333
// Recognize constants "pi", "e" and
// functions "sin", "cos", "tan", "exp", "sqrt", "floor", "ceil", "round", "ln", "log", "abs"
output = exp.SolveExp("floor(ln(exp(e))+cos(2*pi))") // will be 3
// use constant value
exp.UpdateVariable("x", 10);
exp.UpdateVariable("y", "20");
output = exp.SolveExp("x+y") // will be 30
// edit constant
exp.UpdateVariable("x", 20);
exp.UpdateVariable("y", "30");
output = exp.ResolveExp() // will be 50
// use old value
exp.UpdateVariable("old_value", output);
output = exp.SolveExp("old_value - 10") // will be 40
// Expression validation
output = exp.SolveExp("undefined") // wil be empty
error = exp.GetErrorMessages() // `String "undefined" not recognized!`
output = exp.SolveExp("sqrt()") // wil be empty
error = exp.GetErrorMessages() // `Invalid expression!`
// Arithmetic errors
output = exp.SolveExp("10/(floor(pi)-3)") // wil be empty
error = exp.GetErrorMessages() // `Arithmetic error: Denominator is zero!`
output = exp.SolveExp("-1^1.5") // wil be empty
error = exp.GetErrorMessages() // `Arithmetic error: Can't power a negative number by a non-integer!`
output = exp.SolveExp("sqrt(-1)") // wil be empty
error = exp.GetErrorMessages() // `Arithmetic error: Cannot square root a negative number!`
// Syntax errors
output = exp.SolveExp("a=2") // wil be empty
error = exp.GetErrorMessages() // `Encountered unknown character at =!`
output = exp.SolveExp("sqrt(exp(2+log(10))") // wil be empty
error = exp.GetErrorMessages() // `Syntax error: Brackets not paired!`
output = exp.SolveExp("sqrt+3") // wil be empty
error = exp.GetErrorMessages() // `Syntax Error: Need brackets after function name!`
Out-of-bound error
Any other error that I happen to miss
<Some magical expression>
ErrorMessages:<Some magical output>
Input is case sensitive
ErrorMessages:String "Pi" not recognized!
Spaces are ignored
f l o o r ( 3. 1 4)
Negative priority is larger than **
Expect by python: -16
But here output is: 16
symbol will be valid
Will be output:2
Because it will be replace to0-(0-1)+1
add source to your project and add target_link_libraries(target PRIVATE libexp_solver)
to your CMakeLists.txt to add library(default is static library)
some examples and a simple main file can be found at tests dir
see tests/unit_tests.cpp pass several unittest, more cases can be added by yourself.