A Java/Kotlin client library for the ProxyCheck.io API v2. This library provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for checking if an IP address is a proxy, VPN, or TOR exit node, as well as validating email addresses.
- Features
- Installation
- Repository
- Dependencies
- Usage
- API Reference
- API Endpoints
- Query Flags
- Exceptions
- Rate Limits
- Version Compatibility
- Tests
- Contributing
- License
- Changelog
- Issues and Support
- Check if an IP address is a proxy, VPN, or TOR exit node
- Check multiple IP addresses in a single request
- Validate email addresses for disposable email providers
- Get dashboard information about your ProxyCheck.io account
- Export detection data from the dashboard API
- Export tag data from the dashboard API
- Export usage data from the dashboard API
- Support for custom lists management
- Support for CORS configuration
- Support for all query flags and parameters
- Proper error handling with custom exceptions
- Rate limit handling
- Fully documented API
- Support for both synchronous and asynchronous API calls using Kotlin Coroutines
- Built-in caching with adjustable cache time
dependencies {
This library is available through JitPack. To use it, add the JitPack repository to your build file:
repositories {
maven { url = uri("https://jitpack.io") }
This library depends on the following libraries:
Dependency | Version | Description |
Kotlin Standard Library | 1.9.0 | Kotlin standard library |
OkHttp | 4.11.0 | HTTP client for making API requests |
Gson | 2.10.1 | JSON parsing library |
Kotlin Coroutines | 1.7.3 | For asynchronous programming |
For testing, the following dependencies are used:
Dependency | Version | Description |
JUnit | 5.10.0 | Testing framework |
Mockito | 5.4.0 | Mocking framework |
Mockito Kotlin | 5.0.0 | Kotlin extensions for Mockito |
There are two ways to create a client:
// Create a client with your API key
val client = ProxyCheckApiClient(apiKey = "your-api-key")
// Create a client without an API key (limited to 100 queries per day)
val client = ProxyCheckApiClient()
// Create a client with custom settings
val client = ProxyCheckApiClient(
apiKey = "your-api-key",
client = OkHttpClient.Builder()
.connectTimeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.readTimeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.writeTimeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
baseUrl = "https://proxycheck.io/v2/",
gson = Gson()
// Create a client with caching enabled
val client = ProxyCheckApiClient(
apiKey = "your-api-key",
enableCaching = true,
defaultCacheTime = 5,
defaultCacheTimeUnit = TimeUnit.MINUTES
This approach provides better flexibility and testability through dependency injection.
// Create a client using the adapter (implements ProxyCheckApiInterface)
val apiClient: ProxyCheckApiInterface = ProxyCheckApiClientAdapter(apiKey = "your-api-key")
// You can also use the ProxyCheckApiAdapter which delegates to ProxyCheckApi
val apiClient: ProxyCheckApiInterface = ProxyCheckApiAdapter(apiKey = "your-api-key")
// Create a client with custom settings
val apiClient: ProxyCheckApiInterface = ProxyCheckApiClientAdapter(
apiKey = "your-api-key",
client = OkHttpClient.Builder()
.connectTimeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.readTimeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.writeTimeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
baseUrl = "https://proxycheck.io/v2/",
gson = Gson()
// Create a client with caching enabled
val apiClient: ProxyCheckApiInterface = ProxyCheckApiClientAdapter(
apiKey = "your-api-key",
enableCaching = true,
defaultCacheTime = 5,
defaultCacheTimeUnit = TimeUnit.MINUTES
The library supports caching of API responses to reduce the number of requests made to the ProxyCheck.io API. Caching is disabled by default, but can be enabled when creating the client.
// Create a client with caching enabled
val client = ProxyCheckApiClient(
apiKey = "your-api-key",
enableCaching = true,
defaultCacheTime = 5,
defaultCacheTimeUnit = TimeUnit.MINUTES
You can also specify a custom cache time for individual requests:
// Check an IP address with a custom cache time
val response = client.checkIp(
ip = "",
cacheTime = 10,
cacheTimeUnit = TimeUnit.MINUTES
// Check multiple IP addresses with a custom cache time
val responses = client.checkIps(
ips = listOf("", ""),
cacheTime = 10,
cacheTimeUnit = TimeUnit.MINUTES
// Get dashboard information with a custom cache time
val dashboard = client.getDashboard(
cacheTime = 10,
cacheTimeUnit = TimeUnit.MINUTES
// Check an email address with a custom cache time
val emailResponse = client.checkEmail(
email = "test@example.com",
cacheTime = 10,
cacheTimeUnit = TimeUnit.MINUTES
The same caching functionality is available for asynchronous methods as well.
The library now uses a ProxyCheckOptions
class to configure API requests. This approach avoids issues with setting both flags and individual boolean parameters.
// Create options with the parameters we need
val options = ProxyCheckOptions(
vpnDetection = true,
asn = true,
time = true,
useSSL = true
// Or use the builder pattern
val options = ProxyCheckOptions.builder()
// You can also set specific flag enums for more control
val options = ProxyCheckOptions.builder()
// Basic check
val response = client.checkIp("")
// Check with options
val options = ProxyCheckOptions(
vpnDetection = true,
asn = true,
time = true
val response = client.checkIp(
ip = "",
options = options
// Check with multiple flags
val options = ProxyCheckOptions(
flags = listOf(QueryFlag.VPN, QueryFlag.ASN, QueryFlag.TIME)
val response = client.checkIp(
ip = "",
options = options
// Check with all options
val options = ProxyCheckOptions(
flags = listOf(QueryFlag.VPN, QueryFlag.ASN, QueryFlag.TIME),
vpnDetection = true,
asn = true,
node = true,
time = true,
risk = true,
port = true,
seen = true,
days = true,
tag = "my-tag",
useSSL = true
val response = client.checkIp(
ip = "",
options = options
// Access the response data
println("Status: ${response.statusEnum} (${response.status.value})")
println("IP: ${response.ip}")
println("Proxy: ${response.proxyEnum} (${response.proxyString})")
println("Type: ${response.typeEnum} (${response.typeString})")
println("Risk: ${response.risk}")
println("Country: ${response.country}")
println("ISP: ${response.isp}")
println("ASN: ${response.asn}")
println("Time: ${response.time}")
// Using enum values for conditional logic
when (response.statusEnum) {
ResponseStatus.SUCCESS -> println("Request was successful")
ResponseStatus.ERROR -> println("Request encountered an error")
ResponseStatus.DENIED -> println("Request was denied")
when (response.proxyEnum) {
ProxyStatus.YES -> println("This IP is a proxy")
ProxyStatus.NO -> println("This IP is not a proxy")
ProxyStatus.UNKNOWN -> println("Proxy status is unknown")
when (response.typeEnum) {
ProxyType.VPN -> println("This is a VPN")
ProxyType.TOR -> println("This is a TOR node")
ProxyType.PUBLIC -> println("This is a public proxy")
ProxyType.RESIDENTIAL -> println("This is a residential proxy")
ProxyType.WEB -> println("This is a web proxy")
ProxyType.HOSTING -> println("This is a hosting provider")
ProxyType.UNKNOWN -> println("Proxy type is unknown")
// Basic check
val responses = client.checkIps(listOf("", ""))
// Check with options
val options = ProxyCheckOptions(
vpnDetection = true,
asn = true,
time = true
val responses = client.checkIps(
ips = listOf("", ""),
options = options
// Check with multiple flags
val options = ProxyCheckOptions(
flags = listOf(QueryFlag.VPN, QueryFlag.ASN, QueryFlag.TIME)
val responses = client.checkIps(
ips = listOf("", ""),
options = options
// Access the response data
for ((ip, response) in responses) {
println("IP: $ip")
println("Status: ${response.statusEnum} (${response.status.value})")
println("Proxy: ${response.proxyEnum} (${response.proxyString})")
println("Type: ${response.typeEnum} (${response.typeString})")
println("Risk: ${response.risk}")
println("Country: ${response.country}")
println("ISP: ${response.isp}")
println("ASN: ${response.asn}")
println("Time: ${response.time}")
The library also provides functionality to check if an email address is from a disposable email provider.
// Basic email check
val emailResponse = client.checkEmail("test@example.com")
// Email check with additional options
val options = ProxyCheckOptions(
flags = listOf(QueryFlag.MAIL),
risk = true,
node = true,
time = true,
tag = "my-tag",
useSSL = true
val emailResponse = client.checkEmail(
email = "test@example.com",
options = options
// Access the email response data
println("Status: ${emailResponse.statusEnum} (${emailResponse.status.value})")
println("Email: ${emailResponse.email}")
println("Disposable: ${emailResponse.disposable}")
println("Risk: ${emailResponse.risk}")
println("Node: ${emailResponse.node}")
println("Time: ${emailResponse.time}")
// Get basic dashboard information
val dashboard = client.getDashboard()
// Access the dashboard data
println("Status: ${dashboard.status}")
println("Plan: ${dashboard.plan}")
println("Email: ${dashboard.email}")
println("Queries Today: ${dashboard.queriesToday}")
println("Queries Month: ${dashboard.queriesMonth}")
println("Max Queries Day: ${dashboard.maxQueriesDay}")
println("Max Queries Month: ${dashboard.maxQueriesMonth}")
println("Days Until Reset: ${dashboard.daysUntilReset}")
// Get dashboard with detection export data
val options = ProxyCheckOptions.builder()
val dashboardWithDetections = client.getDashboard(options)
// Access detection export data
if (dashboardWithDetections.detections != null) {
for ((ip, detection) in dashboardWithDetections.detections!!) {
println("IP: ${detection.ip}")
println("Date: ${detection.date}")
println("Proxy Type: ${detection.proxyType}")
println("Risk: ${detection.risk}")
println("Country: ${detection.country}")
println("ISO Code: ${detection.isoCode}")
println("ASN: ${detection.asn}")
println("Provider: ${detection.provider}")
// Get dashboard with usage export data
val options = ProxyCheckOptions.builder()
val dashboardWithUsage = client.getDashboard(options)
// Access usage export data
if (dashboardWithUsage.usage != null) {
// Access daily usage
val dailyUsage = dashboardWithUsage.usage?.dailyUsage
if (dailyUsage != null) {
for ((date, usage) in dailyUsage) {
println("Date: $date")
println("Queries: ${usage.queries}")
println("Detections: ${usage.detections}")
// Access monthly usage
val monthlyUsage = dashboardWithUsage.usage?.monthlyUsage
if (monthlyUsage != null) {
for ((month, usage) in monthlyUsage) {
println("Month: $month")
println("Queries: ${usage.queries}")
println("Detections: ${usage.detections}")
// Access total usage
val totalUsage = dashboardWithUsage.usage?.totalUsage
if (totalUsage != null) {
println("Total Queries: ${totalUsage.queries}")
println("Total Detections: ${totalUsage.detections}")
// Get dashboard with custom lists
val options = ProxyCheckOptions.builder()
val dashboardWithLists = client.getDashboard(options)
// Access custom lists
if (dashboardWithLists.customLists != null) {
for (list in dashboardWithLists.customLists!!) {
println("List ID: ${list.id}")
println("List Name: ${list.name}")
println("List Description: ${list.description}")
println("List Type: ${list.type}")
println("Created At: ${list.createdAt}")
println("Updated At: ${list.updatedAt}")
// Access list entries
if (list.entries != null) {
for (entry in list.entries!!) {
println("Entry ID: ${entry.id}")
println("Entry Value: ${entry.value}")
println("Entry Note: ${entry.note}")
println("Added At: ${entry.addedAt}")
// Get dashboard with CORS configuration
val options = ProxyCheckOptions.builder()
val dashboardWithCors = client.getDashboard(options)
// Access CORS configuration
if (dashboardWithCors.corsStatus != null) {
println("CORS Enabled: ${dashboardWithCors.corsStatus?.enabled}")
// Access allowed origins
val allowedOrigins = dashboardWithCors.corsStatus?.allowedOrigins
if (allowedOrigins != null) {
println("Allowed Origins:")
for (origin in allowedOrigins) {
println("- $origin")
// Access allowed methods
val allowedMethods = dashboardWithCors.corsStatus?.allowedMethods
if (allowedMethods != null) {
println("Allowed Methods:")
for (method in allowedMethods) {
println("- $method")
// Access allowed headers
val allowedHeaders = dashboardWithCors.corsStatus?.allowedHeaders
if (allowedHeaders != null) {
println("Allowed Headers:")
for (header in allowedHeaders) {
println("- $header")
println("Allow Credentials: ${dashboardWithCors.corsStatus?.allowCredentials}")
println("Max Age: ${dashboardWithCors.corsStatus?.maxAge}")
// Get dashboard with tag export data
val options = ProxyCheckOptions.builder()
val dashboardWithTags = client.getDashboard(options)
// Access tag export data
if (dashboardWithTags.tags != null) {
for ((tagName, tag) in dashboardWithTags.tags!!) {
println("Tag Name: ${tag.name}")
println("Count: ${tag.count}")
println("First Used: ${tag.firstUsed}")
println("Last Used: ${tag.lastUsed}")
// Access additional tag info
if (tag.info != null) {
println("Detections: ${tag.info?.get("detections")}")
println("Queries: ${tag.info?.get("queries")}")
The library also provides asynchronous versions of all API methods using Kotlin Coroutines. These methods are marked with the suspend
keyword and can be called from a coroutine scope.
// Import the required coroutines dependencies
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import kotlinx.coroutines.async
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
// Create a client
val client = ProxyCheckApiClient(apiKey = "your-api-key")
// Example 1: Check a single IP address asynchronously
runBlocking {
try {
val response = client.checkIpAsync(
ip = "",
vpnDetection = true,
asn = true,
time = true
println("Status: ${response.status}")
println("IP: ${response.ip}")
println("Proxy: ${response.proxyEnum}")
println("Type: ${response.typeEnum}")
println("Risk: ${response.risk}")
println("Country: ${response.country}")
println("ISP: ${response.isp}")
println("ASN: ${response.asn}")
println("Time: ${response.time}")
} catch (e: Exception) {
println("Error: ${e.message}")
// Example 2: Check multiple IP addresses asynchronously
runBlocking {
try {
val responses = client.checkIpsAsync(
ips = listOf("", ""),
flags = listOf(QueryFlag.VPN, QueryFlag.ASN, QueryFlag.TIME)
for ((ip, response) in responses) {
println("IP: $ip")
println("Status: ${response.status}")
println("Proxy: ${response.proxyEnum}")
println("Type: ${response.typeEnum}")
println("Risk: ${response.risk}")
println("Country: ${response.country}")
println("ISP: ${response.isp}")
println("ASN: ${response.asn}")
println("Time: ${response.time}")
} catch (e: Exception) {
println("Error: ${e.message}")
// Example 3: Get dashboard information asynchronously
runBlocking {
try {
val dashboard = client.getDashboardAsync()
println("Status: ${dashboard.status}")
println("Plan: ${dashboard.plan}")
println("Email: ${dashboard.email}")
println("Queries Today: ${dashboard.queriesToday}")
println("Queries Month: ${dashboard.queriesMonth}")
println("Max Queries Day: ${dashboard.maxQueriesDay}")
println("Max Queries Month: ${dashboard.maxQueriesMonth}")
println("Days Until Reset: ${dashboard.daysUntilReset}")
} catch (e: Exception) {
println("Error: ${e.message}")
// Example 4: Check an email address asynchronously
runBlocking {
try {
val emailResponse = client.checkEmailAsync(
email = "test@example.com",
risk = true,
node = true,
time = true
println("Status: ${emailResponse.status}")
println("Email: ${emailResponse.email}")
println("Disposable: ${emailResponse.disposable}")
println("Risk: ${emailResponse.risk}")
println("Node: ${emailResponse.node}")
println("Time: ${emailResponse.time}")
} catch (e: Exception) {
println("Error: ${e.message}")
try {
val response = client.checkIp("")
// Process response
} catch (e: ApiKeyException) {
// Handle API key errors
println("API key error: ${e.message}")
} catch (e: RateLimitException) {
// Handle rate limit errors
println("Rate limit exceeded: ${e.message}")
} catch (e: InvalidRequestException) {
// Handle invalid request errors
println("Invalid request: ${e.message}")
} catch (e: ApiErrorException) {
// Handle API errors
println("API error: ${e.message}")
} catch (e: NetworkException) {
// Handle network errors
println("Network error: ${e.message}")
} catch (e: ProxyCheckException) {
// Handle all other ProxyCheck.io API errors
println("ProxyCheck.io API error: ${e.message}")
} catch (e: Exception) {
// Handle all other errors
println("Error: ${e.message}")
The ProxyCheckApiInterface
defines the contract for the API client. It provides the following methods:
Checks a single IP address for proxy information.
: The IP address to check.options
: Optional parameters for the request (see ProxyCheckOptions for details).
- A
object containing the proxy information.
val response = client.checkIp("")
Checks multiple IP addresses for proxy information.
: The list of IP addresses to check.options
: Optional parameters for the request (see ProxyCheckOptions for details).
- A map of IP addresses to
val responses = client.checkIps(listOf("", ""))
Gets the dashboard information for the account.
: Optional parameters for the request (see ProxyCheckOptions for details).
- A
object containing the dashboard information.
val dashboard = client.getDashboard()
Checks if the given email address is from a disposable email provider.
: The email address to check.options
: Optional parameters for the request (see ProxyCheckOptions for details).
- An
object containing the response from the API.
val emailResponse = client.checkEmail("test@example.com")
The ProxyCheckOptions
class is used to configure API requests. It provides a flexible way to set various options for the API requests.
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
flags |
List<QueryFlag> |
List of query flags to include in the request | emptyList() |
vpnDetection |
Boolean |
Enable VPN detection | false |
vpnFlag |
VpnFlag? |
Specific VPN flag setting (ENABLED, DISABLED) | null |
asn |
Boolean |
Include ASN information | false |
asnFlag |
AsnFlag? |
Specific ASN flag setting (ENABLED, DISABLED) | null |
node |
Boolean |
Include node information | false |
nodeFlag |
NodeFlag? |
Specific node flag setting (ENABLED, DISABLED) | null |
time |
Boolean |
Include time information | false |
timeFlag |
TimeFlag? |
Specific time flag setting (ENABLED, DISABLED) | null |
inf |
Boolean |
Include INF information | false |
infFlag |
InfFlag? |
Specific INF flag setting (ENABLED, DISABLED) | null |
risk |
Boolean |
Include risk information | false |
riskFlag |
RiskFlag? |
Specific risk flag setting (DISABLED, ENABLED, ENHANCED) | null |
port |
Boolean |
Include port information | false |
portFlag |
PortFlag? |
Specific port flag setting (ENABLED, DISABLED) | null |
seen |
Boolean |
Include seen information | false |
seenFlag |
SeenFlag? |
Specific seen flag setting (ENABLED, DISABLED) | null |
days |
Boolean |
Include days information | false |
daysFlag |
DaysFlag? |
Specific days flag setting (ENABLED, DISABLED) | null |
tag |
String? |
Custom tag for the request | null |
verFlag |
VerFlag? |
Specific version flag setting | null |
useSSL |
Boolean |
Use SSL for the request | true |
cacheTime |
Long? |
Custom cache time for the request | null |
cacheTimeUnit |
TimeUnit? |
Custom cache time unit for the request | null |
The ProxyCheckOptions
class provides a builder pattern for easier configuration:
val options = ProxyCheckOptions.builder()
Each builder method corresponds to a parameter in the constructor.
The library provides several response models for different API endpoints:
The ProxyCheckResponse
class represents the response from the checkIp
and checkIps
: The status of the request.statusEnum
: The status as an enum value (ResponseStatus.SUCCESS
: The IP address that was checked.proxy
: Whether the IP is a proxy (as a string).proxyEnum
: Whether the IP is a proxy (as an enum value:ProxyStatus.YES
: The type of proxy (as a string).typeEnum
: The type of proxy (as an enum value:ProxyType.VPN
, etc.).risk
: The risk score of the IP.country
: The country of the IP.isp
: The ISP of the IP.asn
: The ASN of the IP.time
: The time it took to process the request.- And many more properties depending on the query flags used.
The DashboardResponse
class represents the response from the getDashboard
: The status of the request.plan
: The plan of the account.email
: The email of the account.queriesToday
: The number of queries used today.queriesMonth
: The number of queries used this month.maxQueriesDay
: The maximum number of queries allowed per day.maxQueriesMonth
: The maximum number of queries allowed per month.daysUntilReset
: The number of days until the query count resets.
The EmailCheckResponse
class represents the response from the checkEmail
: The status of the request.email
: The email address that was checked.disposable
: Whether the email is from a disposable provider.risk
: The risk score of the email.node
: The node that processed the request.time
: The time it took to process the request.
This library provides access to the following ProxyCheck.io API endpoints:
Endpoint | Description | Method |
https://proxycheck.io/v2/{ip} |
Check if an IP address is a proxy | checkIp() , checkIpAsync() |
https://proxycheck.io/v2/ |
Check multiple IP addresses | checkIps() , checkIpsAsync() |
https://proxycheck.io/v2/dashboard |
Get account information | getDashboard() , getDashboardAsync() |
https://proxycheck.io/v2/{email} |
Check if an email is from a disposable provider | checkEmail() , checkEmailAsync() |
The following query flags are supported:
: Returns VPN status of the IP addressASN
: Returns ASN details of the IP addressNODE
: Returns the node that processed the requestTIME
: Returns the time it took to process the requestRISK
: Returns the risk score of the IP addressPORT
: Returns the port used by the proxySEEN
: Returns the seen date of the proxyDAYS
: Returns the days since the proxy was first detectedCOUNTRY
: Returns the country of the IP addressISOCODE
: Returns the isocode of the IP addressPROXY_TYPE
: Returns the proxy type of the IP addressPROVIDER
: Returns the provider of the IP addressTOR
: Returns the TOR status of the IP addressRESIDENTIAL
: Returns the residential status of the IP addressMOBILE
: Returns the mobile status of the IP addressHOSTING
: Returns the hosting status of the IP addressCITY
: Returns the city of the IP addressREGION
: Returns the region/state of the IP addressORGANIZATION
: Returns the organization of the IP addressHOSTNAME
: Returns the hostname of the IP addressISP
: Returns the ISP of the IP addressMAIL
: Enables email checking for disposable email providers
The library provides several flag enums for more granular control over API requests:
Flag Enum | Description | Values |
VpnFlag |
Controls VPN detection | DISABLED (0), ENABLED (1), ENHANCED (2), ADVANCED (3) |
AsnFlag |
Controls ASN information | ENABLED (1), DISABLED (0) |
NodeFlag |
Controls node information | ENABLED (1), DISABLED (0) |
TimeFlag |
Controls time information | ENABLED (1), DISABLED (0) |
InfFlag |
Controls INF information | ENABLED (1), DISABLED (0) |
RiskFlag |
Controls risk information | DISABLED (0), ENABLED (1), ENHANCED (2) |
PortFlag |
Controls port information | ENABLED (1), DISABLED (0) |
SeenFlag |
Controls seen information | ENABLED (1), DISABLED (0) |
DaysFlag |
Controls days information | Custom numeric value (days) |
TagFlag |
Controls custom tag for query tagging | Custom string value |
VerFlag |
Controls version information | V1 (1), V2 (2) |
In addition to the basic query flags, you can use specific flag enums to customize your API requests with more granular control. Here are examples of using different flag enums:
The VpnFlag
enum allows you to enable or disable VPN detection:
// Enable VPN detection
val options = ProxyCheckOptions.builder()
.vpnFlag(VpnFlag.ENABLED) // Value: 1
// Disable VPN detection
val options = ProxyCheckOptions.builder()
.vpnFlag(VpnFlag.DISABLED) // Value: 0
The RiskFlag
enum provides different levels of risk information:
// Basic risk information
val options = ProxyCheckOptions.builder()
.riskFlag(RiskFlag.ENABLED) // Value: 1
// Enhanced risk information
val options = ProxyCheckOptions.builder()
.riskFlag(RiskFlag.ENHANCED) // Value: 2
// Disable risk information
val options = ProxyCheckOptions.builder()
.riskFlag(RiskFlag.DISABLED) // Value: 0
The TagFlag
class allows you to set a custom string for query tagging:
// Set a custom tag for query tagging
val options = ProxyCheckOptions.builder()
// You can also create a TagFlag directly
val tagFlag = TagFlag("my-custom-tag")
val options = ProxyCheckOptions.builder()
You can combine multiple flag enums for more comprehensive results:
// Combine multiple flag enums
val options = ProxyCheckOptions.builder()
val response = apiClient.checkIp(
ip = "",
options = options
You can also use the flags
property to include multiple query flags:
// Include multiple query flags
val options = ProxyCheckOptions.builder()
val response = apiClient.checkIp(
ip = "",
options = options
For a complete example of using different query flags with custom settings, see the CustomFlagsProxyCheckExample.kt file.
This library provides a comprehensive set of exceptions to handle various error scenarios:
Exception | Description |
ProxyCheckException |
Base exception class for all ProxyCheck.io API exceptions |
ApiKeyException |
Thrown when the API key is invalid or missing |
RateLimitException |
Thrown when the API rate limit is exceeded |
InvalidRequestException |
Thrown when the API request is invalid |
ApiErrorException |
Thrown when the API returns an error |
ApiWarningException |
Thrown when the API returns a warning |
ApiDeniedException |
Thrown when the API denies the request |
PlanLimitException |
Thrown when the plan limits are exceeded, with additional properties for plan information |
NetworkException |
Thrown when there is a network error |
Example of handling exceptions:
try {
val response = client.checkIp("")
// Process response
} catch (e: ApiKeyException) {
// Handle API key errors
println("API key error: ${e.message}")
} catch (e: RateLimitException) {
// Handle rate limit errors
println("Rate limit exceeded: ${e.message}")
} catch (e: PlanLimitException) {
// Handle plan limit errors
println("Plan limit exceeded: ${e.message}")
println("Plan: ${e.plan}")
println("Queries Today: ${e.queriesToday}")
println("Max Queries Day: ${e.maxQueriesDay}")
} catch (e: ProxyCheckException) {
// Handle all other ProxyCheck.io API errors
println("ProxyCheck.io API error: ${e.message}")
ProxyCheck.io imposes rate limits on API requests based on your plan. This library handles rate limit errors by throwing a RateLimitException
when the rate limit is exceeded.
- Free plan: 100 queries per day
- Paid plans: Various limits based on the plan
When you exceed your plan's query limit, a PlanLimitException
is thrown with details about your current usage:
: Your current planqueriesToday
: Number of queries used todayqueriesMonth
: Number of queries used this monthmaxQueriesDay
: Maximum number of queries allowed per daymaxQueriesMonth
: Maximum number of queries allowed per monthdaysUntilReset
: Number of days until the query count resets
To avoid rate limit errors, you can:
- Use the built-in caching functionality to reduce the number of API requests
- Implement your own caching mechanism
- Upgrade to a higher plan with higher rate limits
This library is compatible with:
- Java 8 or higher
- Kotlin 1.7 or higher
- Android API level 21 (Android 5.0 Lollipop) or higher
The library targets ProxyCheck.io API v2 and is built with:
- Kotlin 1.9.0
- OkHttp 4.11.0
- Gson 2.10.1
- Kotlin Coroutines 1.7.3
The project includes unit tests for the ProxyCheckApiClient
class, which cover:
- Successful IP checks
- Successful multiple IP checks
- Successful email checks
- Successful dashboard information retrieval
- Error handling for various exceptions (API key errors, rate limit errors)
- Testing different flag options and parameters
Additional tests that could be added:
Integration tests with the actual ProxyCheck.io API
- Test with real IP addresses
- Test with real email addresses
- Test rate limiting
More comprehensive mock tests
- Test additional response formats
- Test more error scenarios
Contributions are welcome! Please see the CONTRIBUTING.md file for guidelines on how to contribute to this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
All notable changes to this project are documented in the CHANGELOG.md file.
If you encounter any issues or have questions about using this library, please:
- Check the existing issues to see if your problem has already been reported
- Open a new issue if your problem hasn't been reported yet
- Provide as much information as possible, including:
- Steps to reproduce the issue
- Expected behavior
- Actual behavior
- Code samples
- Error messages
- Your environment (Java/Kotlin version, OS, etc.)
For feature requests, please open an issue with the "enhancement" label.