Script to perform a DDoS UDP flood by PHP
From web server (visit the page):
From terminal:
php ./ddos.php host=TARGET port=PORT time=SECONDS packet=NUMBER bytes=NUMBER
help Print this help summary page host REQUIRED specify IP or HOSTNAME pass REQUIRED only if used from webserver port OPTIONAL if not specified a random ports will be selected time OPTIONAL seconds to keep the DDoS alive, required if packet is not used packet OPTIONAL number of packets to send to the target, required if time is not used bytes OPTIONAL size of the packet to send, defualt: 65000 format OPTIONAL output format, (text,json,xml), default: text output OPTIONAL logfile, save the output to file verbose OPTIONAL 0: debug, 1:info, 2:notice, 3:warning, 4:error, default: info Note: If both time and packet are specified, only time will be used
- PHP 5.4 version or greater
- Andrea Draghetti is the creator of the project
This tool is written for educational purpose only, please use it on your own good faith.