Folder contains some Ciphers, scripts that are related to Cryptography
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Simplest and popular cipher. Each letter of text is shifted n no of positions. Learn about Caesar Cipher
Python3 -e/-d "SOME TEXT" -k 13
pwsh Caeser.ps1 -encrypt/-decrypt -text "SOME TEXT" -key 13
Originally used to encrypt Hebrew. First and Last letter, Second and second to last letter and etc. are swapped. Learn more Atbash
Python3 -e/-d "SOME TEXT" -k 13
A scytale is a tool to perform cipher. Spartans said to have used this cipher to communicate. Learn about Scytale Cipher
pwsh Scytale.ps1 -encrypt/-decrypt -text "SOME TEXT" -key 13
Can only Encrypt UpperCase Letter, trying to implement lowercase. Vigenere is method of encrypting alphabetic text by using a series of interwoven Caesar ciphers. Learn about Vigenere
Python3 -e "SOME TEXT" -k "SOME KEY"
Can only Encrypt UpperCase Letter, trying to implement lowercase. XOR Encryption is an encryption method used to encrypt data and is hard to crack by brute-force method. Learn about XOR
Python3 -t "SOME TEXT" -k "SOME KEY"