This repository contains the projects done during my software engineering training at ALX. It's about commands and all that kind of stuff.
The repository includes several projects that illustrate system engineering devops. The project mostly contains a buch of shell script. And most o it pass the Shellcheck.
Each project is contained in its own directory, with a descriptive name indicating the concepts covered by the programs therein.
The directory structure is as follows:
Project directory or file name | Description |
0x00-shell_basics | |
0x01-shell_permissions | |
0x02-shell_redirections | |
0x03-shell_variables_expansions | |
0x04-loops_conditions_and_parsing | |
0x05-processes_and_signals | |
0x06-regular_expressions | |
0x07-networking_basics | |
0x08-networking_basics_2 | |
0x09-web_infrastructure_design | |
0x0A-configuration_management | |
0x0B-ssh | |
0x0C-web_server | |
0x0F-load_balancer | |
0x0E-web_stack_debugging_1 | |
0x10-https_ssl | |
0x11-what_happens_when_your_type_google_com_in_your_browser_and_press_enter | In this project we explain what happen when we type a URL and press "enter" | | the root README file off the projects |
To use the bash script contains in this repo just have to run it since thy are all executable: