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GitHub Action for triggering a new test on the crowd-testing provider platform TestIO from a PR


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Trigger a Test on the Crowd-Testing Platform TestIO from a Pull Request


This GitHub Action can be used to trigger a new test on the external crowd-testing platform TestIO from a GitHub pull request (PR). Once this action is available in your repository you can use it by adding and editing specific comments in any PR.

Note: For being able to use this action you need to be a customer of TestIO.

Enable the Action in Your Repository

To enable the action in your repository we recommend adding a new workflow to the .github/workflows folder. It must look like the following workflow.


name: TestIO - Trigger test from PR
      types: [created, edited]


    name: TestIO - Trigger Test
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
    if: startsWith(github.event.comment.body, '@bot-testio exploratory-test')     # this is the prefix all subsequent comments must start with

      - name: Trigger Test on TestIO
        uses: Staffbase/testio-trigger-test-github-action@v1.3.0
          testio-slug: your-testio-slug
          testio-product-id: your-testio-product-id
          github-token: ${{ secrets.YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          testio-token: ${{ secrets.YOUR_TESTIO_TOKEN }}

Reusable Workflow

You can also use a reusable workflow to enable this action in your repository described here:


Input Description Required
testio-slug the slug you received from TestIO NO, but effectively YES because it defaults to staffbase
testio-product-id ID of the product on the TestIO platform to which the triggered test should be assigned to YES
github-token GitHub token to be used for commenting in a PR YES
testio-token TestIO token of a user for which the triggered test is created YES

Use the Action to trigger a new test on TestIO from a PR

We highly recommend creating a separate product in your TestIO account dedicated to test creation from a PR. This avoids interference with the tests in your main product(s) (see FAQs).

For the Default Devices in Your Account

In the product you dedicate for triggering tests from PRs we recommend configuring the default devices so that they correspond to your required Desktop test environments. Refer to the FAQs how to achieve this.

To trigger a test on TestIO for your default devices the following steps are required:

  1. Add the comment @bot-testio exploratory-test create to the PR from which the test should be triggered. create test comment
  2. The action acknowledges your intention to trigger a new test by commenting in the PR with a message for requesting required information: prepare test comment
  3. Provide the required information by editing the comment added in step 2.
  4. Once you entered all the required information in the edited comment you need to replace @bot-testio exploratory-test preparation by @bot-testio exploratory-test submit. submit test comment
  5. This triggers the test on TestIO and successful creation is commented back as a new comment. success test comment

For Android or iOS Devices

To trigger a test on TestIO explicitly for Android or iOS devices the same steps as described for Default Devices need to be followed but with the following small adjustment:

  • The comment to be added to trigger the whole process from step 1 needs to be @bot-testio exploratory-test create <OS> where <OS> is one of android or ios.
  • If you want to trigger a test for Android Tablets you need to write @bot-testio exploratory-test create android tablets (for iOS respectively).
  • In addition to the other requested information you now need to provide the following:
    "device": {
      "os": "android",
      "category": "smartphones",
      "min": "8.0",
      "max": "10"
  • You need to provide minimal and maximum OS version of devices the testers should use.
  • min is mandatory and max optional.
  • If max is not provided TestIO automatically sets it to latest.

Run Tests

  • run nvm use which uses the node version from .nvmrc file
  • run npm install to install dependencies
  • run npm run test to run the unit test suite


How/Where to configure the default devices on TestIO?

Find the Default Devices in the menu as can be seen in the following screenshot.

manage default TestIO devices
How to create a new product dedicated for testing PRs on TestIO?

You can easily achieve that via the menu as can be seen in the following screenshot.

create new TestIO product


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License - see the file for details.

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GitHub Action for triggering a new test on the crowd-testing provider platform TestIO from a PR








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