A micro HTTP Web server that supports WebSockets and html/python language templating, for MicroPython (used on ESP32 and Pycom modules)
Very easy to integrate and very light with 3 files only :
- The Web server"microWebSocket.py"
- The optional suppport of WebSockets"microWebTemplate.py"
- The optional templating language for .pyhtml rendered pages
Simple but effective :
- Use it to embed a cool Web site in yours modules
- Handle POST requests to interract with user and configure options
- Exchange in JSON format on HTTP methods to make an embedded fullREST API
- Serve files on the fly to export any data to the user
- Play with AjAX to interact speedly with a Web application
- Use WebSockets for fast and powerful data exchange
- Make html/python files for rendering more efficient web pages
Name | Function |
Constructor | mws = MicroWebSrv(routeHandlers=None, port=80, webPath="/flash/www") |
Start Web server | mws.Start(threaded=True) |
Stop Web server | mws.Stop() |
Check if Web server is running | mws.IsStarted() |
Set URL location for not found page | mws.SetNotFoundPageUrl(url=None) |
Get mime type from file extention | mws.GetMimeTypeFromFilename(filename) |
Get handler function from route | mws.GetRouteHandler(resUrl, method) |
Callback function to enable and accept WebSockets | mws.AcceptWebSocketCallback(webSocket, httpClient) |
Maximum length of memory allocated to receive WebSockets data (1024 by default) | mws.MaxWebSocketRecvLen |
New thread used for each WebSocket connection (True by default) | mws.WebSocketThreaded |
Escape string to HTML usage | MicroWebSrv.HTMLEscape(s) |
from microWebSrv import MicroWebSrv
mws = MicroWebSrv() # TCP port 80 and files in /flash/www
mws.Start() # Starts server in a new thread
routeHandlers = [
( "relative_url_1", "METHOD", handlerFunc_1 ),
( "relative_url_2", "METHOD", handlerFunc_2 ),
( ... )
def handlerFunc(httpClient, httpResponse) :
Name | Function |
Get MicroWebSrv class | httpClient.GetServer() |
Get client address as tuple | httpClient.GetAddr() |
Get client IP address | httpClient.GetIPAddr() |
Get client TCP port | httpClient.GetPort() |
Get client request method | httpClient.GetRequestMethod() |
Get client request total path | httpClient.GetRequestTotalPath() |
Get client request ressource path | httpClient.GetRequestPath() |
Get client request query string | httpClient.GetRequestQueryString() |
Get client request query parameters as list | httpClient.GetRequestQueryParams() |
Get client request headers as list | httpClient.GetRequestHeaders() |
Get client request content type | httpClient.GetRequestContentType() |
Get client request content length | httpClient.GetRequestContentLength() |
Get client request content | httpClient.ReadRequestContent(size=None) |
Get client request form data as list | httpClient.ReadRequestPostedFormData() |
Name | Function |
Write switching protocols response | httpResponse.WriteSwitchProto(upgrade, headers=None) |
Write generic response | httpResponse.WriteResponse(code, headers, contentType, contentCharset, content) |
Write PyHTML rendered response page | httpResponse.WriteResponsePyHTMLFile(filepath, headers=None) |
Write file directly as response | httpResponse.WriteResponseFile(filepath, contentType=None, headers=None) |
Write attached file as response | httpResponse.WriteResponseFileAttachment(filepath, attachmentName, headers=None) |
Write OK response | httpResponse.WriteResponseOk(headers=None, contentType=None, contentCharset=None, content=None) |
Write JSON object as OK response | httpResponse.WriteResponseJSONOk(obj=None, headers=None) |
Write redirect response | httpResponse.WriteResponseRedirect(location) |
Write error response | httpResponse.WriteResponseError(code) |
Write JSON object as error response | httpResponse.WriteResponseJSONError(code, obj=None) |
Write bad request response | httpResponse.WriteResponseBadRequest() |
Write forbidden response | httpResponse.WriteResponseForbidden() |
Write not found response | httpResponse.WriteResponseNotFound() |
Write method not allowed response | httpResponse.WriteResponseMethodNotAllowed() |
Write internal server error response | httpResponse.WriteResponseInternalServerError() |
Write not implemented response | httpResponse.WriteResponseNotImplemented() |
def _httpHandlerTestPost(httpClient, httpResponse) :
formData = httpClient.ReadRequestPostedFormData()
firstname = formData["firstname"]
lastname = formData["lastname"]
content = """\
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>TEST POST</title>
<h1>TEST POST</h1>
Firstname = %s<br />
Lastname = %s<br />
""" % ( MicroWebSrv.HTMLEscape(firstname),
MicroWebSrv.HTMLEscape(lastname) )
httpResponse.WriteResponseOk( headers = None,
contentType = "text/html",
contentCharset = "UTF-8",
content = content )
File extension | Mime type |
.txt | text/plain |
.htm | text/html |
.html | text/html |
.css | text/css |
.csv | text/csv |
.js | application/javascript |
.xml | application/xml |
.xhtml | application/xhtml+xml |
.json | application/json |
.zip | application/zip |
application/pdf | |
.jpg | image/jpeg |
.jpeg | image/jpeg |
.png | image/png |
.gif | image/gif |
.svg | image/svg+xml |
.ico | image/x-icon |
Default index pages order (for http://hostname/) :
Filename |
index.pyhtml |
index.html |
index.htm |
default.pyhtml |
default.html |
default.htm |
- File
must be present to activate WebSockets support
from microWebSrv import MicroWebSrv
mws = MicroWebSrv() # TCP port 80 and files in /flash/www
mws.MaxWebSocketRecvLen = 256 # Default is set to 1024
mws.WebSocketThreaded = False # WebSockets without new threads
mws.AcceptWebSocketCallback = _acceptWebSocketCallback # Function to receive WebSockets
mws.Start() # Starts server in a new thread
Name | Function |
Callback function to receive text message | ws.RecvTextCallback = func(webSocket, msg) |
Callback function to receive binary data | ws.RecvBinaryCallback = func(webSocket, data) |
Callback function when connection was closed | ws.ClosedCallback(webSocket) |
Send a text message | ws.SendText(msg) |
Send a binary message | ws.SendBinary(data) |
Check connection state | ws.IsClosed() |
Close the connection | ws.Close() |
def _acceptWebSocketCallback(webSocket, httpClient) :
print("WS ACCEPT")
webSocket.RecvTextCallback = _recvTextCallback
webSocket.RecvBinaryCallback = _recvBinaryCallback
webSocket.ClosedCallback = _closedCallback
def _recvTextCallback(webSocket, msg) :
print("WS RECV TEXT : %s" % msg)
webSocket.SendText("Reply for %s" % msg)
def _recvBinaryCallback(webSocket, data) :
print("WS RECV DATA : %s" % data)
def _closedCallback(webSocket) :
print("WS CLOSED")
- File
must be present to activate .pyhtml pages - Pages will be rendered in HTML with integrated MicroPython code
Instruction | Schema |
PY | {{ py }} MicroPython code {{ end }} |
IF | {{ if MicroPython condition }} html bloc {{ end }} |
ELIF | {{ elif MicroPython condition }} html bloc {{ end }} |
ELSE | {{ else }} html bloc {{ end }} |
FOR | {{ for identifier in MicroPython iterator }} html bloc {{ end }} |
? | {{ MicroPython expression }} |
{{ py }}
import machine
from utime import sleep
test = 123
def testFunc(x) :
return 2 * x
{{ end }}
{{ if testFunc(5) <= 3 }}
{{ elif testFunc(10) >= 15 }}
{{ else }}
<span>I like the number {{ test }} !</span>
{{ end }}
{{ for toto in range(testFunc(3)) }}
<div>toto x 10 equal {{ toto * 10 }}</div>
<hr />
{{ end }}
<title>TEST PYHTML</title>
{{ py }}
def _testFunction(x) :
return "IN TEST FUNCTION %s" % x
{{ end }}
<div style="background-color: black; color: white;">
{{ for toto in range(3) }}
This is an HTML test...<br />
TOTO = {{ toto + 1 }} !<br />
{{ for toto2 in range(3) }}
TOTO2 = {{ _testFunction(toto2) }}
{{ end }}
Ok good.<br />
{{ end }}
{{ _testFunction(100) }}<br />
<br />
{{ if 2+5 < 3 }}
IN IF (1)
{{ elif 10+15 != 25 }}
{{ elif 10+15 == 25 }}
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
Keep it simple, stupid 👍