This repository contains a Python script which generates via Folium library an interactive WebMAP of Greece.
I used some sample data to demonstrate
- Volcanoes π
- Ports π
- Mountains π
- Ski resorts π
- Lakes π
across the Greece.
The points on the map are interactive and you can click on them to display some valuable information.
The color of Volcanoes marker is defined via the following function. Basically the higher the elevation of a volcano is, the darker the color becames.
# Function to change the marker color
# according to the elevation of volcano
def color_producer(elev):
if elev in range(0,300):
color = "green"
elif elev in range(301,600):
color = "orange"
color = "red"
return color
There is also a layer control, in which you can choose what do you want to be displayed on the map. The layer control is located top right on your screen.
Licensed under MIT License.