A ascii text expander program written in pure c for windows and linux. Inspired by espanso.
- Fast and lightweight
- Supports both windows and linux
- CLI Support
- HTTP Rest Api
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build --config Release
If you are on linux you need to install the following packages: libx11-dev, libxtst-dev.
on debian:
sudo apt install libx11-dev libxtst-dev
To start the texc app run,
texc --port {port}
To add a text expansion do,
texc add {match} {expanded}
texc add hello world
Now if we type 'hello' it will be replaced by 'world'
To remove a existing text expansion do,
texc remove {match}
For example if we want to remove the 'hello' text expansion we do,
texc remove hello
Do the following to close the server
texc close
See info.md for more info. See settings.md for app settings.