This Project was created and run in a Linux-Ubuntu VM.
Ubuntu Version 22.04.3
You will also need a :
- PS5.
- Router to connect the PS5 to the PC.
- The Game: F1 2021.
Set up your VM for example with VMWare.
Run the following commands in your terminal to install the following:
> git) $sudo apt install git > docker) $sudo apt install -y > docker-compose) $sudo apt install docker-compose -y > append user) $sudo usermod -aG docker $USER > python3) $sudo apt install python3-pip
> python3-cffi) $sudo apt install python3-cffi > Telemetry-F1-2021: 0.3.0) $pip install Telemetry-F1-2021 > kuksa-client) $pip install kuksa-client > Paho-MQtt) $pip install paho-mqtt > Proton) $pip install python-qpid-proton > Kafka) $pip install kafka-python > InfluxDB Client) $pip install influxdb_client
Go into your game settings in the PS5.
> Enable the telemetry feature. > We make note of the UDP port number (20778) > Update the laptop/pc IP adress for UDP communication.
Setting up Grafana and InfluxDB:
(!IMPORTANT!) grafana login credentials can be seen in docker compose file -> username: admin | password: admins
Move into the influxDB folder and run the following command
$docker-compose up -d
Open a browser of your choice and enter the influxdb and grafana web userinterfaces. \ You will need the VM IP and the dedecated port. As an example for me it was for influxDB and for grafana it was
influxDB: Just follow the initial setup guide and use the following informations:
organization : F1 bucket : TelemetryData
Afterwards a Token should appear. Copy it now or generate a new one later, you will need it for grafana.
Please copy and paste the organization, bucket and token into the config file.
Grafana: Login with the credentials as seen before. Then go to dashboards and create a new dashboard. Here you get the chance to import a Formel1.json file. Go ahead and import the file which can be found in the imports folder.
When asked for a datasource you have to add influxdb as your datasource. -
Setting up the datasource in grafana.
> Change the query language to Flux. > in HTTP under url you enter your influxdb url : for me it was > You dont need anything in Auth > in InfluxDB Details you provide the organization, token and default bucket. If done correctly you should get a notification after pressing save & exit
Filling the Config file.
First open the config file in the config folder and enter the following:kuksa_val
:- host : the host ip address of the VM where the Databroker is running on. For me it was (localhost)
- port : The port you wish to feed/subscribe from. For example 55555
:- host : Here we need the IP address we have also seen in the PS5 Settings
:- port : Here we need the port we have also seen in the PS5 Settings
:- token : This token can be generated in the influxDB browser-user-interface
- bucket : The bucket name you have generated earlier in influxDB
- org : The organization name you have generated earlier in influxDB
If you have setup your system for the first time then you can follow the next steps.
Set up Kuksa and the feeder python file from here.
Please visit the link to the Git of Kuksa and follow the instructions:
Starting the Kafka docker container:
Move into the Kafka folder and run the following command:$docker-compose up -d
Starting the grafana/influxDB docker container: Move into the InfluxDB folder and run the following command:
$docker-compose up -d
Start in the carTelemetry2val folder by running the following command:
Start in the carTelemetry2val folder by running the following command:
Open grafana in the browser
- Now you can adjust the dashboard-refresh rate of grafana itself. For me the sweetspot was at 200ms
- If anything seems to be strugling to start. Whether in the starting process or in the running/developed process, check if all docker container are running properly. If not, restart them.
- If an error occurs when add influx db as datasource, it may be helpful to switch to url http://influxdb:[INFLUXDB_PORT]
- After examination there might be a problem in the way the tank percentage value is calculated. Open for a pull-request
You can find usefull documentation about the game F1 in the references folder