v1.1.2 - Release for Ender-3 V2/Pro (4.2.2, 4.2.7, BTT SKR 2.0 board)
- Change nozzle pattern processing routine for filament tip shaping
- Add setting guide document for using Octoprint V1.7.3
- Based on OctoPrint stable version 1.7.3
- Change Serial Connection Timeout Settings
- Change Printer Profiles settings
- Add "After print job is cancelled" script in GCODE Scripts
- There is a report that the 3D printer's board may be damaged when connecting the powered off 3D printer's USB port to the powered on OctoPrint's USB port. Please be careful when using OctoPrint.
There are A4988 (non-silent) and TMC2208 (silent) models of Stepper Driver on the 4.2.2 board. The stock Ender-3 Pro has a 4.2.2 with a 4988 and the stock Ender-3 V2 uses a 4.2.2 board with a TMC2208 (subject to change depending on how Creality is produced).
Firmware release for Ender-3 Pro (4.2.2, 4.2.7, BTT SKR 2.0 board)
- It is built on the Creality's stock Ender-3 Pro model and stock LCD display.
- SPEAKER (Buzzer on LCD) is disabled because BEEPER pin is used for communication with PITTA.
- X, Y, Z, E0 Driver type
- 4.2.2 : A4988
- 4.2.7 and BTT SKR 2.0 : TMC2208_STANDALONE
- Because BTT SKR 2.0 board(Rev B with STM32F407VG) only uses "
" for firmware upload, the name of the firmware to be released always uses "firmware.bin
Firmware release for Ender-3 V2 (4.2.2, 4.2.7 board)
- It is built on the Creality's stock Ender-3 V2 model.
- X, Y, Z, E0 Driver type : TMC2208_STANDALONE
- PITTA User Manual V1.2.2
- Prusa Slicer Setting Guide
- OctoPrint Setting Guide