Releases: StephaneCouturier/Katalog
v2.3 - Mapping of BackUp catalogs, Export the collection to an SQLite database
Main improvements:
- BACKUP: new screen for BackUp management, 1st feature is the mapping and comparison of Catalogs (links between source and target). This can help to check the backup coverage of a device, and view gaps in size, files, dates between source and target. At this stage, there is no feature to manage the actual copying of files.
- SEARCH: Differences can now be searched on any 2 Devices (Virtual, Storage, Catalogs) (previously only 2 Catalogs could be compared.
- SETTINGS: In "Memory" mode, export the collection to an SQLite database so it can be used in "File" mode.
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v2.2 - Many bug fixes
Main improvements:
- 16 Bug fixes in Devices screen.
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v2.1 - Dark desktop theme, documentation in French and Czech
Main improvements:
- Documentation is available in 2 new languages: French & Czech
- Dark Desktop theme support improvements:
- Bug fixes
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v2.0 - New Device model, option to store all data in a database file
Main improvements:
- Collection: Data can now be stored in a local SQLite database file
- Devices: Global model for all virtual and physical, displaying totals from sub-items
- Devices: Devices, Storage, and Catalog lists are all accessible from 1 tab
- New documentation site, with updated information with Release 2.0:
These changes involved major updates of the data model and data management.
Therefore the version comes with support for a 1.x > 2.0 migration procedure.
⚠ Backup up your Katalog collection data made with previous versions before. ⚠
To know more about these main changes, explore the pages Devices and Settings.
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v1.22 - Virtual: Create a tree of Virtual storage devices and assign catalogs to them
Main improvements:
- Virtual: Create a tree of Virtual storage devices and assign catalogs to them to get new Search and Statistics options.
Full list of updates: version 1.22 updates
Full code changelog: v1.21...v1.22
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v1.21 - Search: Batch process of files from a list of results
Main improvements:
- Search: the list of results can be processed with 4 options now: Export, Rename(linux only, with KRename), Move to Trash, Delete
- Storage: Changing the name with the edit form now correctly updates catalogs and statistics
- Storage: Fix issue with reporting updates
Full list of updates: version 1.21 updates
Full code changelog: v1.20...v1.21
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v1.20 - Storage values in snapshots, Storage edit form and picture
Main improvements:
- Storage: Free space and Total space are now saved with collection snapshots, the Statistics screen can then show both Catalog and Storage data on one graph.
- Storage: A form is now available to edit device fields more easily
- Storage: A picture of the device can be displayed. For now, it must be put in an /images folder in the collection folder, name should be the same as the ID, and the extension should always be .jpg (although any type of image can be read). Example: for a device ID "6", the file path should be "/collection_folder/images/6.jpg"
Full list of updates: version 1.20 updates
Full code changelog: v1.19...v1.20
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v1.19 - Bug fixes
Main improvements:
Full list of updates: version 1.19 updates
Full code changelog: v1.18...v1.19
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v1.18 - Catalog includes empty folders, other minor improvements
Main improvements:
- Create/Explore: Creating a catalog now also catalogs folders so that empty folders, including empty hidden folders are included. This data is store in a separate file whose name is the catalog name + .folders.idx
- Storage: When editing the table, the button Save All now changes to orange color until the data is saved, and a warning message is displayed when existing the app with unsaved changes.
- Explore: the root folder is displayed so as to display its content after navigating, the folders below are displayed by default.
Full list of updates: version 1.18 updates
Full code changelog: v1.17...v1.18
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v1.17 - Minor improvements and bug fixes
Main improvements:
- Storage: use selected location or selected storage for new storage location
- Create: use the device tree to help selection storage or path
- Debugging following Qt6 porting
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