Releases: StephenOTT/camunda-formio-plugin
Add support for configuration of formio forms through extension properties
If you enable the FormioParseListenerProcessEnginePlugin, you can configure through Extension Properties rather than manually creating the formKey:
The same configuration options used in the formKey are used in the extension properties. Each extension property has a prefix of formio_.
For Server Validation you add a name: formio_validation, value: true.
DockerCompose Example and bug fix for plugin
Minor bug fix for Formio Server plugin that prevented configuration of the plugin through the bpm-processes.xml
Variable Security Feature
New variable security feature that ensures you can restrict variables using camunda extension properties
enable support for Tasklist Bootstrap 3 in Formio Forms
Tasklist uses Bootstrap3, so adjustments were made to align the Formio Forms to use the same version of bootstrap which now provides a better visual experience when loading forms in task list.
Enhanced Functionality
- Added BPMN Error Support
- Added BPMN Escalation Support (Interrupting and Non-Interrupting)
- Hidden Start Button on Start forms
- Hidden Complete Button on User Task forms
- Better Handling of json
- Added SubForm/Nested Form support
- Enhanced error handling to route errors into formio ui
Initial community release
Initial community release for testing across springboot and application server distributions (tomcat etc).
Fix for complex forms
Minor update that ensures complex forms that use nested data structures will be supported.