A boilerplate project for Vert.x using Javascript and gradle to generate fatjars
This is a Vertx.io boilerplate project that uses Gradle as a build system to run Vertx instances for development, and create FatJar executables for production use. The repo includes a Dockerfile showing how to deploy the FatJar in a Docker environment.
Why does this matter? Well, because it is a Javascript Vertx verticles deployment. Meaning that you dont have to write Java. You can use your JavaScript knowledge and take full advanage of Vertx and the "extras" and Java provides. It also includes a Ruby verticle for showing how to leverage the Vertx Polyglot capabilities.
Anything else? Yes... Because we are using the gradle build system we also the get to leverage NPM, Yarn, Gulp, and Bower for JS dependencies. Currently NPM is setup and you can control the dependencies with the package.json file, just like a regular Node project. The Ruby dependencies are downloaded with the Bundler gem and RubyGems. You can update the Gemfile file with the dependencies for Ruby verticles.
This gives us a really powerful build system, multi-language dependency mamagement system, and deployment system, wrapped in a relatively simple setup. We get JS/NPM + Ruby/RubyGems + Java/Maven all wrapped in a nice to use package, and we can package our build into a single FatJar.
Check out the app
folder and the app/MyJavaScriptVerticle.js
entry verticle, and... Get Started Right Now!!
https://github.com/DigitalState/camunda-worker-vertx/tree/master/worker for an example of a Docker based Vertx CLI example of the same poject. This does not use Gradle and is more pure Vetx + Vertx Stack Manager + Docker.
https://github.com/DigitalState/camunda-worker-vertx/tree/feature-ruby-rubygems-stackmanager/worker for a Ruby variation that downloads the Gems through the Dockerfile from RubyGems.
Add NPM Dependencies:
./gradle npmInstall
(reads from package.json) -
Add RubyGem Dependencies:
./gradle bundleInstall
(reads from Gemfile) -
Run the app:
./gradlew run
. Once you are done working within gradle, you can build the FatJar. The Run task uses the vertx-config.json as the entry verticle's (MyJavaScriptVerticle.js) config file. -
Build FatJar:
./gradlew shadowJar
which will build the fatJar in./build/libs/js-vertx-fatjar-0.1.0-fat.jar
You can run the FatJar in a Java 8+ environment by running:
java -jar /path/to/js-vertx-fatjar-0.1.0-fat.jar -conf path/to/vertx-config.json
.Note that a config.json value is required. If the file is a empty object (such as
) or is omitted, the Vertx instance will be stopped.
Watched paths: [/Users/MyUser/Documents/GitHub/js-vertx-fatjar/./app]
Starting the vert.x application in redeploy mode
Starting vert.x application...
config.json contents:
ruby_gems absolute path: /Users/MyUser/Documents/GitHub/js-vertx-fatjar/build/resources/main/ruby_gems
Starting primary verticle
Succeeded in deploying verticle
Starting 3 Verticle
true <-- Outputted from verticles/MyJavaScriptVerticle2.js to show that lodash was loaded
Starting 2 Verticle
2018-03-13 16:24:41 -0400 <-- Outputted from Ruby
2018-03-13 11:00:00 -0400 <-- Outputted from Ruby
2018-03-13 09:15:00 -0400 <-- Outputted from Ruby
You might also see warnings with messages such as:
Thread Thread[vert.x-eventloop-thread-1,5,main] has been blocked for 3529 ms, time limit is 2000
Thread Thread[vert.x-eventloop-thread-1,5,main] has been blocked for 4533 ms, time limit is 2000
Thread Thread[vert.x-eventloop-thread-1,5,main] has been blocked for 5536 ms, time limit is 2000
io.vertx.core.VertxException: Thread blocked
These tend to occur when Vertx instance is first starting up, and the machine is slow.
- Create a project structure that is as close to a docker vertx cli structure as possible. Example: not using
See the package.json file in project root.
Uses: https://github.com/srs/gradle-node-plugin. See the Github repo for additional plugin support for Yarn, Grunt, and Gulp.
To download dependencies run: ./gradle npmInstall
A node_modules
folder will be added to the project root. This folder is in the .gitignore
file. When you run the build the following will run:
processResources {
from 'app'
from ('node_modules') {into 'node_modules'}
The above will create a node_modules
folder in the build's root (inside of the app
- Add npmInstall and Update tasks into Run and Build tasks
Inlcuded in this project is a dockerfile that can be used to build an image with the FatJar.
The dockerfile depends on the ./build/lib/js-vertx-fatjar-0.1.0-fat.jar
and ./vertx-config.json
Once you have the FatJar generated, you can run the following from the root of the project:
docker build -t fatjar/js-vertx .
which will result in the following:Sending build context to Docker daemon 64.01MB Step 1/12 : FROM java:8-jre ---> e44d62cf8862 Step 2/12 : ENV VERTICLE_FILE js-vertx-fatjar-0.1.0-fat.jar ---> Using cache ---> 9a290df84557 Step 3/12 : ENV CONFIG_JSON_FILE vertx-config.json ---> Using cache ---> 713eefc4a516 Step 4/12 : ENV VERTICLE_HOME /usr/verticles ---> Using cache ---> 559a89eb1858 Step 5/12 : EXPOSE 8080 ---> Using cache ---> d5f72273653d Step 6/12 : EXPOSE 8081 ---> Running in 38a8cbe565e1 Removing intermediate container 38a8cbe565e1 ---> e3767329bfb6 Step 7/12 : EXPOSE 8086 ---> Running in 23bdc14cf854 Removing intermediate container 23bdc14cf854 ---> 386c166d44c6 Step 8/12 : COPY build/libs/$VERTICLE_FILE $VERTICLE_HOME/ ---> 2b6e1847dd65 Step 9/12 : COPY $CONFIG_JSON_FILE $VERTICLE_HOME/ ---> 515b29356808 Step 10/12 : WORKDIR $VERTICLE_HOME Removing intermediate container 8c216df18942 ---> 5cf7ff914391 Step 11/12 : ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "-c"] ---> Running in 042e70e58e06 Removing intermediate container 042e70e58e06 ---> ed865eba45b8 Step 12/12 : CMD ["exec java -jar $VERTICLE_FILE -conf $CONFIG_JSON_FILE"] ---> Running in 7a227e7bcb5e Removing intermediate container 7a227e7bcb5e ---> 9d476cdb9ddf Successfully built 9d476cdb9ddf Successfully tagged fatjar/js-vertx:latest
docker run fatjar/js-vertx
which will result in the following:config.json contents: {"mykey":"myvalue"} ruby_gems absolute path: file:/usr/verticles/js-vertx-fatjar-0.1.0-fat.jar!/ruby_gems Starting primary verticle Succeeded in deploying verticle true Starting 2 Verticle Starting 3 Verticle 2018-03-13 17:04:58 -0400 2018-03-13 11:00:00 -0400 2018-03-13 09:15:00 -0400
You can also go to:
(being served by./MyJavaScriptVerticle.js
(being served by./app/verticles/vert2/MyJavaScriptVerticle2.js
(being served by./app/verticles/vert3/MyJavaScriptVerticle3.js
Logging Levels for JUL: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/logging/Level.html
Add gradle dep for jRuby Bundler and then use task to run a Bundler install command.
Getting the current ClassLoader: https://github.com/vert-x3/vertx-lang-js/commit/d4323889e71b21e35a873a73fb939eba53c2d0de#diff-a5533d7f2941dd2c95a4d7a28f1106afR294 https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/ClassLoader.html#getResource(java.lang.String)
Active issue for simplify the GEM_PATH lookup: vert-x3/vertx-lang-js#73
Does the use of the GEM_PATH using the absolute path classloader feature make the usage of static cached files not relevant? Do NPM files get cached? What are the pros and cons? see: http://vertx.io/docs/vertx-web/java/#_disabling_file_caching_on_disk for additional chaching docs about vertx.
Nashorn classloader docs: https://github.com/DaniHaag/snippets/wiki/Nashorn