Download the full manual guide on:
Just watch this if you bored to follow below steps or read manual guide:
First of all, download code on this repository github
Then extract the .zip folder has been downloaded
After that follow below steps from top to bottom:
After that follow below steps from top to bottom:
- Open XAMPP
- Start the module "Apache" and "MySQL"
- Press actions "Admin" on module "MySQL"
- Create empty database on xampp with name "redundanthops"
- Open the code with vscode
- Open terminal in vscode (Shortcut: ctrl + `)
- In terminal, type "composer install", then press enter and wait
- If error on step 7, then type "composer update" then press enter and wait, after that type again "composer install" then press enter and wait
- In Terminal, type "php artisan migrate:refresh --seed", then press enter and wait
- In terminal, type "php artisan serve" then open the given local host link in terminal
- After clicked the given local host link it will direct user to landing page
- If the image doesn't appear on landing page, then we must remove the storage from below steps:
- 12.1. In terminal, type "cd public", then press enter and wait
- 12.2. In terminal, type "rm storage", then press enter and wait
- 12.3. In terminal, type "cd ..", then press enter and wait
- 12.4. In terminal, type "php artisan storage:link", then press enter and wait
- Enjoy :D