Card Game:
- implementing the basic 三国杀纸牌游戏(人机对战),支持2~8人模式
- written in C++ & Qt5.7, using default qmake build system and qtcreator ui designer
- Built and tested on Mac os x 10.12 , Qt 5.7.0 clang 64 bit
Headers are in the folder include
files are in the folder src
Images are organized using Qt Resource Collection Files image.qrc
- a mac os x version
is already included in the folderbuild
. - For other system, just use qtcreator as usual. Tested on arch linux with Qt 5.10.
- Running the project may throw hundreds of warnings... Ignore them...
- Due to the image size, you need a laptop with resolution higher than 1440x900
- Sometimes it runs smoothly, sometimes it does not...
See some explanations about source code in "Report.pdf"
See a brief introduction and the graphical effects in "report.pptx"