Stardust Fragment [v3.4.8]
Stardust Fragment [v3.4.8] :
➤ Using new SimplEnergy's Ore Generation System
➤ Energy Library updated from 1.3 to 1.4 (Fix networks breaking)
➤ Internal optimizations for Inventory detection
➤ Max height for Life Crystal generation has been tweaked : y=80 -> y=60, but y=240 in minecraft:the_end
➤ Fixed a bug that killed the model of custom mobs even if they were alive
➤ Fixed bugs with portals when they were in negative coordinates
➤ Fixed transition between Overworld & Celestial dimension at y=500 (overworld) and y=-35 -> y=-64 (Celestial)
➤ Disabled ore generation in Dungeon & Ultimate dimension. Also optimized Awakened Stardust Ore
➤ Special compatibility with The Expansion (To avoid going in Celestial Dimension when going into space) [Thanks @ jakecool19#9401 for reporting it to me]
➤ Better dynamic sound [Thanks @ Crow#3201 for suggestion]
➤ Wormhole Potion can't be used by and on player in gamemode spectator