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GitHub: StratusGrid/terraform-aws-guard-duty-notifications

This module creates SNS topics for three tiers of GuardDuty findings, EventBridge rules and triggers to add findings to the SNS topics, and a KMS key and alias used to encrypt data sent to the SNS topics.

Currently, subscriptions to the topics are not managed in this module.


module "aws_guard_duty" {
  source  = "StratusGrid/terraform-aws-guard-duty/aws"
  # version = "x.x.x" # StratusGrid recommends pinning the module version to the latest available 

StratusGrid Standards we assume

  • All resource names and name tags shall use _ and not -s
  • The old naming standard for common files such as inputs, outputs, providers, etc was to prefix them with a -, this is no longer true as it's not POSIX compliant. Our pre-commit hooks will fail with this old standard.
  • StratusGrid generally follows the TerraForm standards outlined here


Name Version
terraform >= 1.1
aws >= 4.9


Name Type
aws_cloudwatch_event_rule.critical resource resource
aws_cloudwatch_event_rule.warning resource
aws_cloudwatch_event_target.critical resource resource
aws_cloudwatch_event_target.warning resource
aws_kms_alias.this resource
aws_kms_key.this resource
aws_sns_topic.guardduty_findings_critical resource
aws_sns_topic.guardduty_findings_info resource
aws_sns_topic.guardduty_findings_warning resource


Name Description Type Default Required
enable_sns Enable or disable GuardDuty findings notifications. bool true no
input_tags Map of tags to apply to resources map(string) {} no


No outputs.

Note, manual changes to the README will be overwritten when the documentation is updated. To update the documentation, run terraform-docs -c .config/.terraform-docs.yml