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Master build status: Build Status

Quickstart build status: Build Status

The repo for the dockers used can be found here

Check out the quickstart branch to get started with a base setup!

  • The github repo can be found here.
  • The docker repo can be found here.

If you're reading this at docker hub, you probably want to head on over to the git repo.

How it works:

  1. You push to the git repo containing your code.
  2. Travis runs the test files you specified (see below).
  3. Travis gives a build status of "failed" if any of the builds doesn't result as expected.
  4. (optional) Travis pushes (only) the resulting PDFs to a branch called travis-BUILDNO where BUILDNO. will be replaced by the current travis build number. You can choose to push these to a release instead of a branch by using the push-type option (see below).


  1. In your main git repo root add this .travis.yml, or if you don't use the you can use this .travis.yml. Docs for the configuration options in your .travis.yml is found further down in this readme.
  2. Add the to .travis/ directory you just created (this file is pushing the branch. You can omit it if you don't want to push the travis-BUILDNO-branch to your repos.
  3. If you want the push-branch or push-release functionality, do the following
    1. Go to github personal access tokens and generate a new token
    2. You need to encrypt your github token, via travis, and add it to the .travis.yml. If have ruby (gem) installed you can do:

Things to note:

  • If tests/testmyfeature/main.tex is supposed to fail, then you should make a file tests/testmyfeature/wants-fail. Then a success run of the main.tex would count as a failed build.
  • You can put whatever files and directories you want into tests. At test time, only the directories containing the main.tex is executed.
  • The working directory of a test main.tex-file is the directory the current main.tex file is in.
  • In the docker, by default, the entire repository is loaded to the /repo volume. So in your tests/TestMyFeature/main.tex you could do e.g. \def\input@path{{/repo/}} to include things directly from the repo.

Configuration options

You can specify configurations in your .travis.yml in the form

  - config-name=value


  • Accepted values: one or more paths
  • Default value: tests/*/main.tex
    • Paths of the files to build. If you want to specify multiple paths, you can comma separate them.
    • The path should be relative to the repo directory.
    • The paths can contain wildcard (*) (e.g. path/to/testfiles/*.tex is valid).


  • Accepted values: small or full
  • Default value: small

Which TeX-scheme to use; this is, basically, how many packages are installed on the docker image by default.

  • full: Full contains most of the packages in CTAN and has a docker image of 3GB that needs to be downloaded every time.
  • small: contains only the bare necessities, and probably will most of the packages that you wish to used be specified in the packages option. (- medium: Coming later)
  • texliveonfly: Is the small image, but missing packages will be attempted to be installed using texliveonfly. You can still manually add packages that you wish to installed using the packages option.


  • Accepted values: comma (not space) separated list
  • Default value: empty

What packages should also be installed using TeXLives tlmgr before running the TeX-files. Note that when using the texliveonfly image, it will attempt to install missing packages automatically.


  • Specify compile flags to latexmk, for example -dvi
  • Multiple flags can be given, separated by spaces


  • Accepted values: branch or none
  • Default value: branch

Where to publish the pdfs generated. The option for pushing to release is coming: #3 - Push to releases instead of branches.


Talk about the files, tex profiles and so forth.

Instructions for building the docker image on Linux (using IntelliJ)

  • Install docker. Post-installation steps from
  • Make sure you have a docker group (it may exist already) with sudo groupadd docker
  • Add your user to the docker group with sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
  • Start docker service, for example with sudo systemctl start docker

Building the docker image

  • You can create a run configuration using the gutter icon in the Docker file, but you need to pass a parameter. Edit the run configuration, add a build arg scheme with value small.
  • In the run configuration, you can add an image tag name to find back your image more easily.
  • After the build has finished ('deployed' locally) you can find an overview of images on your computer in the Docker tab.
  • An instance of an image is called a container.

Running the docker image

  • To test in this repo you can use
  • To run elsewhere you can use docker run --mount src="/full/path/to/repo",target=/repo,type=bind mytagname:latest or interactively (so you can play around inside the container) with docker run -it --mount src="/full/path/to/repo",target=/repo,type=bind mytagname:latest /bin/sh


Building LaTeX packages using Travis-CI






No releases published



Contributors 3
