bower install StreamsGood/nodecg-vaadin-text-field --save
Extends vaadin-text-field
to add NodeCG replicant support.
: The identifier for the replicant.replicant-bundle
: Optional. Defaults to the active bundle.
<nodecg-vaadin-text-field replicant-name="name" replicant-bundle="bundle"></nodecg-vaadin-text-field>
For a full list of supported attributes, see the vaadin-text-field
Note: This does not specify styling for vaadin-elements, you will need to install and include either the vaadin-material-theme
or vaadin-valo-theme
bower install vaadin/vaadin-material-theme --save
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/vaadin-material-theme/vaadin-text-field.html">