Created by John Pepp on February 11, 2020
Updated on September 5, 2021
This website is on how to write code the procedural way in PHP and how to access database tutorials using PDO. PDO by the way is object-oriented programming (OOP) and in my opinion to a good way to start learning PHP OOP without going into details.
I am now able to show the HTML, CSS and Code (PHP & JavaScript) to you in proper formatting making it easier to understand. I just want mention that this is tutorial on how to code in PHP and I am assuming that you have a good knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript before venturing into PHP coding. You don't have to be an expert, but having a good fundamental knowledge will make coding in PHP much easier. I also want point out that I have a good knowledge of PHP and JavaScript, but even my code isn't 100 percent perfect. Though it should give a beginner a solid knowledge on how to get started coding in PHP. I recommend finding good online resources on PHP as they will be helpful and if you notice an error or a better way of doing feel free to send me a comment.